
I'm not really in one of my reading phases at the moment, so my read-through of The Pickwick Papers is slow going, even though it's terrifically entertaining.

Why read new books when there are so many great old ones, right? I also tend to gravitate towards older writing, though it's fiction for me, mostly. 19th-century novelists, Elizabethan playwrights, that sort of thing.
I remember that I used Decline and Fall for some history paper at university once, though I can't

How exceedingly classical, Sir!
Do you own the Gibbon, or is it from a library? I always imagined it to look rather important and well-educated on a private bookshelf, especially if you can get some older edition, leather-bound and all.
I assume the Thucydides is the Peloponnesian War? Greek or a translation? ;)

I didn't get most of the allusions to Soviet life in Master and Margarita when I read it a few years ago, but greatly enjoyed the merry chaos throughout it anyway. Which, come to think of it, might not be the reaction the author intended.
Maybe I should find myself an edition with detailed annotations and give it

Ha! That's one for advanced Austen studies.

While this Baldrick may not be the smartest incarnation exactly, I do feel like he's the most… independent perhaps? The line in Sense and Senility is really the only time he speaks out against Blackadder, but especially in their conversations in the kitchen Baldrick often seems more like a fellow employee, instead of


Doctor Whobbit?

Neither. We drink.

I'm totally gonna move to France, Sean! And you can forget about ever coming to visit!

Honestly, I was a bit disappointed by this one. To a certain extent that's understandable, because part of what made A Separation a revelation to me was that I didn't expect it in the least going in. There's also the fact that A Separation had a layer of social commentary, or simply a glimpse of a foreign culture,

Yes. Because there was supposed to be a sequel that was never made, right?

Yes. Because there was supposed to be a sequel that was never made, right?



As another one who likes some of her music I'd just like to say that I agree with you guys. I was, however, amused by the line about her ex listening to indie records way cooler than hers, considering the tone of most of the comments here.

As another one who likes some of her music I'd just like to say that I agree with you guys. I was, however, amused by the line about her ex listening to indie records way cooler than hers, considering the tone of most of the comments here.

That's pretty cool. And just to be clear, I do realize that being a referee, especially in a highly publicized sport/event, is the most thankless job imaginable. Nobody cares if you do a good job, but God help you if you make a mistake. So, I'm not holding this game against Ms Pedersen. She had a bad day. It happens.

That's pretty cool. And just to be clear, I do realize that being a referee, especially in a highly publicized sport/event, is the most thankless job imaginable. Nobody cares if you do a good job, but God help you if you make a mistake. So, I'm not holding this game against Ms Pedersen. She had a bad day. It happens.

I probably won't convince you, but I found the refereeing to be terrible overall, without a bias towards either team. Yes, the penalty was decisive, but there were several penalties not given, on both sides, and the ref just never seemed to have control over the game in general.