
Those bulkhead seats have been monetized into premium seats by all airlines I know of (even Alaska Airlines, which used to be the hold-out here in the USA).

Uh, don’t you find you need to recharge if you are watching the movie on a non-tiny, HD display? Also, some of us have to work, using laptops, during those long flights. And sometimes I arrive at the plane with my phone etc. depleted due to being in an ancient US airport with one power outlet per 100 people.

Some of us live at high latitudes where there is little natural daylight many months of the year. This also means our flights are long, in my case spanning several time zones to most places I go. Getting above the clouds into bright sunshine feels wonderful to me and helps me reset my body clock for my new timezone.

I came here for prophylactics, not prophylaxis!!!

Yes, but a slice or two of red onion and a leaf of non-Yuma Romaine makes it even besser!

This story was written and published by people who lack critical thinking skills. Processed food involves lots of waste, too. It’s just that the inedible parts (bones, broccoli stumps, etc.) get thrown out at the processing plant, not at home.

Rapid caffeine metabolizers like me. We need a hit every 5 minutes to maintain stead state serum caffeine concentrations.

I got a candle warmer about 10 years ago, for less than a “specialized” coffee mug warmer, and it worked great. Ultimately, though, I upgraded to a 5-cup Bonavita brewer that allows me to place the conical filter holder directly on my double-walled stainless steel mug. I’m a sipper (rapid caffeine metabolizer based on

What surprises me is that this is happening under the most pro-business, anti-consumer administration since before Teapot Dome. I sure hope whoever at the FTC finally got around to enforcing a law that’s been on the books since 1975 doesn’t up and retire so the agency can go back to ignoring it.

I’m on a private well with delicious, but very hard water. I use vinegar to remove scale from things sometimes, but more often use food grade citric acid powder in solution. Unlike white vinegar, CA has no odor. I bought a bag of it on Amazon. I add a small amount to a wine glass with pesky red wine stains on the

Here in Alaska, it’s shoes off in everyone’s house. Same in Hawai’i, but easier because they just wear slippahs.

Do your research: the active ingredient in Tylenol PM, other than the non-NSAID analgesic acetaminophen, *is* the sedating antihistamine diphenhydramine. Which is the same thing as Benadryl! Anyone who pays extra for Tylenol PM, or even “name brand” Benadryl, is a fool. Generic diphenhydramine is like a penny a pill.

Do you use a straw? Cause otherwise the head tip as you quaff would be a real tip off.

He’s probably cool with it as long as Trump and Stormy didn’t dine together afterwards without a chaperone.

You had me at “apotheosis.”

What Amazon Prime Two-Day Shipping Really Means, Prime Members in ALASKA Edition:

And my DNA is 50% Scottish.

Not a fast v. slow internet trick, but more an internet v. no internet trick: At hotels that charge for WiFi (the odds of this being true vary directly with room rates), it is sometimes possible to capture a free WiFi connection on your device in the lobby or bar, and maintain the connection as you go back to your

I don’t care how many times you tell me to do it: I’m not going to wear sunscreen from mid-September through March. That half the year, folks!