He would need batteries first, and like gremlins, I never get it wet, keep it out of bright light, and never give it batteries after midnight...
He would need batteries first, and like gremlins, I never get it wet, keep it out of bright light, and never give it batteries after midnight...
Mine still works, but he just sit atop the entertainment system these days, a stead fast, silent sentinel...
There was a code that you could enter into a universal remote that would but the Furby to sleep, and it would not awaken 'til it was picked up or bumped. I found this out after a buddy of mine working at a Kay*Bee Toys asked me to look it up online (ol' school 'net days) because for some reason they had six on…
So, at the party, did two guys just start beating on each other for five minutes and twenty seconds?
Not the only one. I was really intrigued by it the first time through, but repeated viewing it just seems 'mindlessly stupid'...
If it is more than three years old is it a spoiler? And given the way they strayed on the Shane thing, it is unlikely they would follow this plot point.
This doesn't work for several reasons, When telling the story, Ted has referred to Lily & Marshall, repeatedly as 'Your Aunt Lily' "Uncle Marshall". Plus there is the house Ted bought close to Barney's father, that he tells the kids is 'the one we live in now'. And most importantly, the kids have called Ted 'dad'.
Going from memory, but it was explained back in season 1 (IIRC) that she's a 'slutty' pumpkin, 'cause the holes are in 'all the right places'...
I guess we could see if Harry Dresden would be willing to re-animate Sue and let us run some tests. I don't know how long I could listen to polka without killing Butters. Once I did that, all bets are off...
Given the number of Marvel alterniverses we have seen over the years, are there any characters that have not been sex-swapped at some point?
Rollerball... you should probably clarify this. I assume you mean the 1975 version and not the 2002 version. While the later has Rebecca Romijn topless, there is a reason it's rottentomato score is 3%.
Hate to break it to you but...
I don't know much on the TV specs, but it is a Bday gift from the 'rents and my dad has a really nice 58in Samsung. I know it is 36in, as I told them I didn't need anything 'stupid big' but that is all I know. As for Avatar, I've held out almost two years, I would like to hold out longer, as I really have no desire…
There is a word for people like you, but it can't be used in polite company. It can't be used in impolite company either...
Avatar... I may soon lose the battle however, as I will have an HDTV in two days, already have the Blu-Ray player, and the roomie (a proud Avatard..?) picked up the deluxe Blu-Ray set...
The scariest film for me is Poltergeist. I was only seven and it scared the crap out of me. To this day, I can't bring myself to rent it and rewatch it. If I am in the store, I pick it up, hem/haw and put it back. It was on my NetFlix queue, and when ever it was coming up next, it would get bumped down, until I…
I love it... I hop on to io9, the lead story is 'io9’s 50 Scariest Movies Of All Time" and the image is overtake for the sponsors add. So I get to io9 and see 'io9’s 50 Scariest Movies Of All Time' and an 'screen cap/flash' that says 'The Prequels!'