Some interesting concepts, but nothing I would want to hang on the wall. Give me something like The Usual Bounty Hunters, or Padme and Jar-Jars High School Reunion. Something utterly bizzare...
Some interesting concepts, but nothing I would want to hang on the wall. Give me something like The Usual Bounty Hunters, or Padme and Jar-Jars High School Reunion. Something utterly bizzare...
Hawkeye (comics) is right handed. There was once a story where a large bounty was placed on his right arm. Jeremy Renner is a leftie and appears (from what I recall of the scene) to favor a 'reverse draw' like many leftie archers do.
Holy crap!!! The 40s serial is on DVD now, the 70s tv movies, the the 90s movie soon. Wow, some Cap fan somewhere has gotta be happy. And how convenient that the 'crap' ones come out a week before the new one. No market confusion there...
Wind-Shieldy goodness FTW!!!
I really wish I had a picture of my master's (cat) son. He had that 'perfect' 'cube like, 'stache' a mostly white face, and the top of his head was black with that 'trademark' 'Hitler flop' over his right eye and white strip on his left side that looked like a 'part'. It was so close a match, way closer than…
'Complaining that "live music is dying out" because of "MADD Nazi's (sic)" does not bode well for your argument's credibility'
Rock Lords!!! Man, I had them all at one time, and I know the only use me and my friends found for them was to either throw them at each other, or to used as scenery for our GI Joe battles.
When my father was stationed in Kaiserslautern Germany, we traveled all around, and there was this one spot off the autobahn that we passed by a lot that had a large open field and in the middle was a very large metal gate with the Olympic Rings in it. I don't know it i I can't recall where exactly it was and high…
I would have to check with the roommate to be sure, but I am almost positive that in the state of Montana you would have to steam/traction license to take it on the road. And to get that you only need 480 hrs of training before you can be certified. Hopefully the winner is from a lenient state/nation.
In the worlds of Chaka Luther King "I think George Lucas gonna sue somebody." :-)
"So basically, it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, but still isn't a duck? "
Amy's field is neurobiology
A.S. is defined as a 'high functioning' form of autism, and autism is recognized as a neurological disorder. Almost all recognized geniuses showed habits that could fit with A.S., however this doesn't mean every genius has A.S.
Leslie - terrible character! I liked her when she was the occasional foil for Sheldon, but once she became a 'regular' her character quickly became annoying and rather nasty.
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. If you want to impress me, show me what is under the C. M. Coolidge paintings.
When the new county jail/state penn annex opened, before prisoners were brought in, the community was allowed to join a 'spend a night and see what your tax dollars went to' type event as part of a charity fund raiser. I was 'sponsored' and stayed over night. The food they served us was basically identical to what I…
2lb 4oz a month is not really that bad when it is factored in to the 'balance' daily diet she would get in jail. Half a pound a week is about half what most dietitians suggest as a target. This just cries sensationalist, when it is what would likely result from a ideal caloric intake.
My mom got me hooked on Dark Shadows when it aired on the Sci-Fi Channel, back when it was, you know actually a sci-fi channel. I am not sure what to expect from this, and am rather apprehensive about it. Burton has alway been a hit/miss director for me with the last two being big ol' misses.