
Mulvaney declaring the President’s tax returns off limits so egregious...as citizens we do have a right to know if the President’s finances are driving national policy

she may have had a threesome with James Dean and Paul Newman

But, at least two of the public schools, UCLA and UC-Irvine, are better than USC. Hell, UC-Santa Barba is likely better, too.

Is this why there are always random framed photos of Khloe’s mugshot around? and other random set design choices?

Keep the invitations to testify coming, and when they decline start sending subpoenas.

The Kavanaugh confirmation hearings shook me to my very core. I now view the world: Before Kavanaugh (BK) and After Kavanaugh (AK).

In my country, college costs about 450$ per semester. If you’re fast, you can get a master’s degree for less than 4000$ and there are scholarships!

screamed his head off when I kept dropping the ball at age 4

Having grown up in the Central Valley (where everything not in the Farm Bill is grown the US) of California, I CANNOT wait for Nunes to be AOCed by some young dynamic engaged person. Nunes’ family sold their dairy ranch in 2007 and moved it to Steve King’s (Too Racist for the GOP) district in Iowa and Nunes has not

I just saw #DevinNunesWindCancer

ALL of the Devin Nunes parody accounts are giving me life


endangered us all by electing a gameshow host teevee with a malignant narcissistic personality who had no business in the Oval Office

it leads to moments like this where I’m just stuck

therapy is bringing up So Much Garbage, and then I’m just left stewing in it

my friend was more upset when the guy disappeared while she was in the bathroom instead of going home with her than when I told her he kept trying to feel me up while she was gone

Just remember this.

very cold Vino Verde

“We stayed on the trail!” ...said that right to my face, while literally sitting in the damn flowers.

Fuck yeah.