Amazing. It’s like he stopped time!
Amazing. It’s like he stopped time!
Did you research how deeply ‘citizen’s arrest’ functions out there?
I don’t think that’s quite on, since the photogs came onto private property.
If I wrote an article entitled “Unconfirmed: Donald Trump to resurrect Hitler and appoint him Speaker of the House” and cite the Weekly World News, which themselves cited a guy on Twitter you would feel similarly as I do.
Please don’t post things until they’re confirmed. You just feed speculation.
so basically you’re saying she’s better off dead.
Seriously do they ever not say that!? Breakfast, lunch, dinner, fucking a goat, getting your balls shot off, running around with an AK pointed in the’s all the same apparently.
Allahu Akbar! Allahu Ak.....ohhh crap!
I think it’s more of a crime for me to NOT have this.
I see no reason why you shouldn’t.
According to the 2nd amendment, I should be allowed to have one of these.
You're not a victim if you line up on the side of the street towatch people drag race, you're a participant, and just as if not more fucking stupid than the people racing.
in this scenario, the victims knew exactly what they were there to see, which makes them complicent to the racing. A shame: absolutely, but muder?
"...the fact that the NHRA was founded to give racers an alternative to dangerous public roads."