
Are you even remotely self aware or are you intentionally being self demonstrating of the behavior you hate?

Refugees and migrants can’t afford to go to Spain either, but they do it anyway by any means possible. They are not exactly crossing the borders legally. Don’t judge everyone else by your entitled first world logic.

Cool tech, cool art, and a seeming cool story.

And then they name it “Hellblade.” I know it’s a long time coming, but maybe it’s time to stop getting video game titles from your 13 year old nephew?

More importantly, does it require always online connection?


The Hero’s journey doesn’t work very well if you skip the bits about becoming a badass and start that way already.

Does your entire body shrink when you go swimming?

You'd think that it wouldn't be fun to play as the disenfranchised, but a lot of recent games/DLC have proven that they're way more interesting as protagonists than the alternative. Clementine in The Walking Dead, Elizabeth in Bioshock and Ellie in The Last of Us are perfect examples—I'm hoping to write something more

Would you douse a filet mignon with salt?

I would if I felt it enhanced my eating experience. How I season my food is really nobody else's concern