Trickshot Cobblemount

Nothing wrong with collecting/returning bottles.  That’s free money. 

If you think that pancakes are a breakfast meal, you are a fat person - even if you are skinny. There is zero nutritional value to a pancake, and syrup is actively harmful. You are partaking in decadent gluttony, not eating. You are delighting in your taste buds with no thought to the consequence. This is childlike

Interesting how Deadpool looks exactly like Spiderman.  Probably just a coincidence... not. 

Interesting that Tucker never has anyone on that can form a coherent counter argument to his worn out faux points. Women should be making more money than men. Women deserve to be making more money than men. Women ought to be making more money than men.

He’s going to win the Democrat Nomination and will take down Trump.  Trolls like rrpete are just trying to muddy the waters.  Won’t work.

I mean, this simply didn’t happen. A couple women trying to ride the #MeToo wave back into relevance. Take a look. Their careers are over.  So they’re falsely accusing Bernie of being complicit in something that didn’t happen because they will grab precious headline real estate which will vault them back into

Gallagher is a one trick pony but Carrot Top is actually pretty versatile if you look at his earlier stuff.  He got lazy later on though.

Like all of Trump’s threats and promises, this one was entirely empty.  He relies on cheap tricks and tawdry showbiz gags.  He’s trying to embarrass the United States into irrelevance.  We can’t let that happen.

More proof that the 1% is scared of our revolution.

McCauliffe is part of the old, dyed-in-the-wool neocon DNC that “worked smartly” with GW Bush to become mired in various Middle Eastern wars until Obama pulled our boys out. Consider him a Republican at present.

I mean, you’re right that Bernie would have won, but he wouldn’t have won on Hillary’s platform - which is exactly what Lizzy is running on. Add in her recent DNA Debacle and she’s completely undetectable. You’ve seen the recent stories about Native America getting the shaft recently, right? Nominating Liz would be a

<—Quotation Marks—>

Yeah, unfortunately that’s exactly the case. It’s also why “doctors” introduced Adderall - they wanted to choke the demand for coke with a legal alternative.  Didn’t work, and you can see the effects everywhere you look. 

I love how Deadpool copied Spiderman.  Just kidding, I don’t love that. 

Tell that to Stoncils who clearly had no idea.

Even if they did you would never notice.  Cocaine is the “symptomless drug” according to most physicians. 

Shortly before 911 when I was a junior in high school I got an awful ingrown toenail, a result of my time spent playing very competitive hockey. We were the reigning state champions, four years in a row, and I was the starting goalie and I stood on my head out there. I was extremely talented and had an eye on a full

Protip: That wasn’t water.  That was liquor. 

Considering the bravery these kids have shown, I’d be more inclined to arm the students than the teachers.

The United States did the same thing in Ukraine, Honduras, Iraq, Libya, and countless other locations.