
PS+ = "adds auto-syncing trophies and an auto-upload function for online save data"


Titties at 2:10.


ROFL. OMG. 1:Didn't see that coming. 2:MG-FUCKING-S.

I want "GodDamn" on a t-shirt. Pink, of course.

Not a bad idea...

Raging hard on until the "for WINDOWS PC". Damnit. Crossing my fingers for console release. Also, the Cast class looks super generic/boring in the trailer ;[

Did anyone notice that all four players were redheads with glasses??? o_o

Saw the roof: Reddit.

Can we get a Venom skin swap?

I watched this intro, along with the ending movies (especially Bryan Fury's) SOOOOOO much back when I was, like, 13.

You know, my memory is foggy, I thought there were zombie hookers and one huge "mother" boss with tits.

When Kotaku hosts [viddler?] videos everyone loses. Fuck.

Loved the demo. I already enjoy Puzzle games and to give one a plot as well as gorgeous visuals is really great, in my book. I can go into a store and see, FPS, Shovelware, FPS, FPS, Sports, FPS and it's just a fucking shame. Games with character, charm, and quirks are what I'm really into. I'm very excited for

Oh yes, a game that features nudity and liberal use of the word "fuck" and yet we need to be protected from cleavage. Censorship is so stupid.

Fucking Cable. If you ask me, Cable is ALWAYS boring. Going to EVO this year?

Sounds like you're back peddling a bit Jen. *thumbs down*