He shot the Shit out of HIS OWN CAR ! WHAT A DEUSH BAG !
He shot the Shit out of HIS OWN CAR ! WHAT A DEUSH BAG !
He needs massive fine ,Years Community service and min 3 months jail.
The Butterflies are going to be Good Guys.
Picking some one because of thheir Race and Sex is Racists and Sexist
They can not stop him
Its going to be Cackling Joker Harris,he has to jettison that dead weight,and it makes him look good doing it .
It will be the Cackling Joker Harris, he gets rid of a sinking rock on his re election and the libs will love it .
Well now Zombie Joe Can get rid of the incompetent Cackling Joker Harris and still look good to the Commies in his party.
So you have nothing intelligent to contribute but do anyway ,.....Yawn
I got it and dismissed it .From the Start .
Excessive force like shooting an unarmed woman ?
You are a crybaby Pussy
Its nice when the Brain Dead Racists show their true ignorant selves to the world
Its nice when the Brain Dead Racists show their true ignorant selves to the world
Its nice when the Brain Dead Racists show their true ignorant selves to the world
I see that 5 year Dance degree has made you articulate and able to get you point across with wit and tact....NOT!
It is Amazing how ignorant you are,you really live in a fantasy world, one day you’ll meet the real world and you won’t like it .
Again, that is not what Qualified Immunity is ,....but What cop got out of jail for indiscrimate murder?
pay YOUR OWN DAMN BILLS ! your THE IDIOT THAT STUDIED Woman studies ,afor 4 years ,and can’t get a job .
Wrong Qualified Immunity protects the cop from losing everything civilly for actions they take while doing their job.