
Do celebrities make an inordinate amount of money compared to the vast majority of the population? Yes. Is working a press circuit for months at a time a wildly mentally and emotionally draining experience? Also yes. Both things can be true.

Saw the movie yesterday. I’m kinda impressed they managed to hide that Fury been Mar-Vell all this time.

Six seasons and a movie appearance!

One of the best retcons ever.

This has been a disappointing season. Super slow to get out of the future. I hope these last batches of episodes pick up the pace considerably. For my personal tastes, season four was awesome.

Are you saying that DC movies don’t find contrived ways to get the heroes to fight each other?

So. Who wants to watch Thor again?

The most surprising part of this was finding out that Blindspot was still on the air. I remember watching a couple episodes, thinking it was horribly written and forgetting about it.

Even if Aquaman Week and Flash Week were ultimately busts, this time its Wonder Woman and Cyborg Week, at once. Madness!

I think there is a certain personality type of fairly intelligent and perceptive person who goes through a phase in their life lasting maybe a decade, from about age 15 to age 25 or so, in which they realize that many people and many institutions of society are hypocritical and corrupt. But instead of continuing a

You’re reading an article that might spoiI movies coming out a year from now, but you’re angry that they gave a minor spoiler for a movie that came out last week?

This summer I learned the Transformers and Wonder Woman both fought the Germans in WW1.

My girlfriend is very much into the same nerdery I am, and the MCU in particular. She knows that late night Thursday first showings have been my thing since long before she and I met. Apropos of nothing, she says to me the other day:

Yeah, the review here yesterday went way too far with the writer’s “no white guy could be as good at Kung Fu as Asian people” thoughts (it’s been edited since he got smacked down for how fucking racist that is) for me to take his negative opinion seriously.

“This republican would beg to differ. On the corruption scale, Hillary was a paragon of virtue compared to what you Trump supporting idiots have given us.”

This republican would beg to differ. On the corruption scale, Hillary was a paragon of virtue compared to what you Trump supporting idiots have given us. You really need to stop getting your news from Fox and Breitbart. They have a real problem with the truth. They see it as something to be used only when it benefits

I’m not gonna coddle you like all these other folks: you’re a fucking idiot. Politics is life. Science is important. Both of these points are lost on you because you’re a fucking idiot. You wouldn’t understand the tech or gadget talk either because, again, you’re a fucking idiot.

I don’t want to spoil it for anyone, but there is a scene in this movie that is one of the most well done, emotional, chilling scenes I think I’ve ever seen.