What would be an example of a fake geek girl?
What would be an example of a fake geek girl?
You know, it's great and all when the CW reuses its actors, but I still can't look at Pheobe Tonkin without thinking she's Faye (from The Secret Circle). They should have at least had her speak with her natural accent.
It isn't the fault of the fans, really. It is the fault of the producers/execs who pander to them. Fans don't generally understand the subtle physics of character development and narrative; they only understand their own reaction to it. Writers and directors are the ones who, hopefully, understand how to deliver…
Rivendell would not have changed noticibly in the mere 77 years between the events of The Hobbit (T.A. 2941) and The Lord of the Rings (T.A. 3018). Rivendell had been around for almost 4700 years by the time Bilbo and Co. set out on their quest; to the Elves 77 years is but a blink of an eye.
The Comic-Con teaser was much better.
Science fiction might be a good way to add flavor and interest to such dry subjects as physics and chemistry, but pop culture sci-fi is a horrible source for teaching real science. It is rare that anything resembling actual science appears anywhere in our movies and television shows. This is evident from the material…
I was bored with the pilot. I was even more bored with episode 2. It is off my DVR schedule now. I wish the show the best of luck, but honestly, I don't think it will last any longer than Fast Forward did.
When I saw the Radagast footage at Comic-Con, my first thought was that I was seeing Tom Bombadil inserted into the Hobbit storyline. This Radagast is more like old Tom than the gentle, nature-loving Istar I remember. The resemblence is so strong, in fact, that I believe this is how Peter Jackson is making it up to…
Congratulations, CJ! Way to go, girl!
The laws are not really fine...
Thank you, sir, for injecting some much needed perspective on this bit of non-news.
Not that I'm aware of. There is no searching going on. Just passive observation.
But how is the US v Jones scenario different than an unmarked car with one or two cops inside, following Jones everywhere and staking out the vehicle 24/7? Even if Jones parked inside a private residence, a stakeout car would just park outside nearby and wait/watch. It seems to me that the only thing Trapwire did…
Sure, they could declare that they intend to pursue legal action against any infringement they find in Artist Alley in future Comic-Cons, but I think they would have to make a formal announcement ahead of time, and they wouldn't be able to claim compensation for past years' infringement. If they don't, then I doubt…
What about selling a picture Korra drawn in your own style? "I think that is a harder call," Professor Tushnet said. "You would have to make a case-by-case analysis. One thing you would want to know is to what extent are people interested in that particular artist's take on the character. I think that it's hard to say…
The difference, for me, is that the oral tradition of folklore never asked me to part with my money to experience it. Hollywood, on the other hand, needs to do more than simply rehash someone else's good idea to convince me to spend my money. This is especially true when the original is better than the reboot (which…
This article doesn't explain what makes a mirrored reflection different from a photograph (i.e., why do they look different?).
A perfect storm of factors, yes. We as a society like to look for one single elementary cause for such horrific incidents because it makes our world appear simpler and lends a sense of false security that maybe we can spot such damaged people before they commit similarly heinous crimes in the future. But it is never…
Except that I remember doing experiments in high school in which Q-tips were dipped in different chemicals and the various areas of our tongues were swabbed with them in turn. I recall distinctly different sensitivities to the different taste categories depending on tongue region. Unless these lab experiences were…
This is a series about a hero, not a superhero.