
“Which is absurd, as when you’re offered two identical cars, one of which gets good fuel economy, and one which gets poor fuel economy, you’d choose the better car every time.”

If that’s what you live for when you off road. The trails that are 5'3" wide.

Tough crowd. 😉

As a gear head who grew up around just about anykindtypesmellnoisedriveonornotsidecenterroundonetwoorfourpost (in various dealerships) they all have advantages and disadvantages.

The problem with social media?

Roger Chaffee is from my hometown, GR, MI. I grew up working in a car dealership 1/2 mile from a road named in his tribute.

I sooo love rocking along a dirt track on a pipey two stroke, but I at my age am scared of the air.

I was thinking the same thing. He was just slightly out of synch with the bike and got LAUNCHED. He landed on a downslope and got right back in the bike.

Who doesn’t know which one of your friends had one of your hottest cars out for a ride? I’d be pretty pissed.

Best looking car in its class.



I have 2 GLH-Ts.

My English 101 thesis in college was on the effects of thermonuclear weapons.

Me too.

Hey Freddy?

That was cartoonishly cool.

But ...
