I was lucky enough to see this in the theaters, and was rolling the entire time. "WHAT? WHAT WILL NEVER COME AGAIN?"
I was lucky enough to see this in the theaters, and was rolling the entire time. "WHAT? WHAT WILL NEVER COME AGAIN?"
Excellent article on a classic game. Thanks for the great read!
This is exactly what I'd expect from a guy with a red ass on the worst team in baseball.
Doom is built on id tech 6, 1080p 60 fps. Single player demo today.
Well, this does fall under my previously-stated category of "provided you didn't get right on top of things." It isn't pretty, but at least it moves in response to the player.
It was very disconcerting sometimes. Haven't played Wolfenstein: The New Order yet, has it been lessened to the degree it was at first? I would have thought that as GPU's got faster, there would be less buffering of texture streaming and the "pop" would be less noticeable or at least fill in faster.
The Internet, and especially whiny little PC fanboys, have declared that RAGE is a terrible game. Balderdash. Was it plagued by problems on launch day? I'd like an AAA title to be named that hasn't had problems on day one. The models were amazing, the physics were great, lighting was incredible, the level design was…
I have both the home and away models for Tim Duncan, think he's completely underrated, and I still completely agree with you.
I applaud this column. Right now I'm gearing down the last phase of my current gaming rig's life; after almost five years, my Alienware laptop is finally showing some age. We also can't extend the warranty any further, so it's time to start researching the new models and drooling over specifications. I'm not building…
Definitely looking forward to this one. Thanks for the great write-up!
I guess I shouldn't be taken aback by the sociopathic lengths people will go to in order convince themselves—and others—that piracy is a victimless crime and perfectly okay.
I know exactly how you feel. One of the first games I installed on my gaming laptop was Quake III: Arena, and I still play it at least once a week.
And we're now another giant step closer to THE LONG WALK being a reality.
Worst. Title. Match. Ever.
Best wishes, Jim. And I forgive you for the 1991 AFC Championship Game. Yikes.
The last LAN party I attended was back in 2000, when myself and seven other people blew each others' brains out over Quake III: Arena and guzzled some of the most horrible food imaginable, all while talking some extremely weak trash.
Connection issues with the master network the day an AAA title with an almost exclusively online component is released? UNHEARD OF.
When I was 11, my mother made broccoli soup. She put pepper, broccoli and condensed milk in a blender, liquefied it and then heated it to a boil before serving. To this day, I refer to re-filling my bowl with the contents of my stomach after trying this horrid concoction as "The Broccoli Backblast."
When I was about 11, my mother decided to subject me to what her idea of broccoli soup would be like. This involved taking a head of broccoli, a few spices and a can of condensed milk, liquefying them in the blender, rapidly heating to a full boil and serving with a smile.