Zoe Butcher

Ikr! How did they do the cow-tipping scenes? CGI or puppetry or real cows getting tipped? I can't figure it out!

Eww…and cool! Haha.

I <3 that 80's throwback film the Guest also starring Maika Monroe! Also adored the soundtrack to it!

Redline is an incredible work of art. Both it and Akira. I thought it was a little low on plot, but visually, omg. Just incredible! That's exactly who should do the anime, Madhouse…

Absolutely. I'd have no problem with taking anyone to see this film and be their guardian as low as age 12. This film is just as comic-bookish and over-the-top violence wise as was Netflix's Daredevil series, so I would think 12-13 year olds would be able to handle this film just fine.

Ikr? I would love to still see Mad Max: Furiosa the anime. I want to know how she lost her freaking arm!

I listened to it separate from the film, but I don't think it stands on it's own very well like for instance the It Follows soundtrack does, it really goes hand-in-hand with watching the film in my opinion, but you're right, Junkie XL did a great job on it, one of the better soundtracks of 2015, but my personal

I don't recall that. Are you talking about Immortan Joe when the mask is removed? I gathered that that injury happened sometime long before and that is why he wore the horsetooth mask in the first place?

Another thing that shocked me was that:

Just that MMFR was indeed #1 at the world-wide box office. I read more than two dozen articles stating that PP2 had stomped Mad Max: Fury Road and it kept making me furious especially since it did indeed become #1 world-wide! ;)

It didn't really feel like an R-rated film to me, and so I'm not exactly sure why it got branded as such. There are some people shot in the film(people were shot in Age of Ultron as well which didn't cause an R-rating for that tentpole franchise), some people got ran over, but the cuts in this film were lightning-fast

How do you figure that, Michael? Mad Max: Fury Road was #1. Pitch Perfect 2 was #2, and The Avengers: Age of Ultron was #3 this past weekend at the world-wide box office. Yes, PP2 beat MMFR domestically, but not world-wide…

Personally, I'd like to see two more Mad Max sequels directed by George Miller and then I'd like to see Mel Gibson direct the final Mad Max film. I know he's still poisonous to associate with in Hollywood, but he's an incredible director in his own right, and he intimately knows how Miller does his thing as well as he

Hey Alien Jesus, I have a question…

Is it just me or did this particular episode give anyone else an intense desire to re-watch all of season one again now that we have this backstory to fill in some of the blanks and connect the dots so to speak with regards to the decisions, behaviors, and character of Vanessa Ives(not to mention also reacquainting

Oh I totally disagree. I love Mercy's over-the-top delivery of her lines. She clearly finds this role absolutely delicious! I would agree though that one of the weak links on this show acting-wise is the actress playing Tituba(Ashley Madekwe), she's practically sleepwalking through her role and seems to have

I had no idea who y'all were talking about but guess which book series I'll be buying today? Ha! Oh, and thanx! ;)

Great episode! It was wonderful to see Mercy(with unburned skin) and Increase again! This is a superbly hammy-yet-highly-entertaining show, although I did have one issue with this episode. Mercy was luring children with a tangelo and tangelos didn't exist until 1911(if you've never had a tangelo, race to a grocery

It was like the glorious Hammer days with ten times the budget of those old films.

The Sansa Stark at the end of this episode was probably wishing she could have a word with the Sansa Stark who ran into Brienne in that run-down tavern in episode 2, don't you think?