Zoe Butcher

Not sure that she actually did(we the viewer definitely saw them though), when Vanessa stared through the warped glass of the door the nightcomers were a good distance away and her attention was focused on Joan, and when she flung open the door and screamed "NO!" Evelyn had bowed down to hide her face and then all

Eva did too! I'm fairly sure she wasn't expecting that hard of a blow! I'm sure they spoke beforehand, as it's now pretty common to actually strike/slap actors to make it look more real, but it's always a surprise when someone really whacks you a good one. LOL!

Hahaha @ a B. No freaking way.

This might be the greatest action epic ever filmed.

If Marvel thinks Age of Ultron is some sortof blueprint for how all Marvel films will be and look like, I may have to abandon this universe, because after watching Netflix's Daredevil I find myself craving far more serious fare.

I'm getting the distinct feeling that Lawless is helping with the shaping of her character and the lines she recites and I'm intrigued by the Countess Von Marburg's weird but sexy son Sebastian. I also liked in particular the verbal sparring between Cotton Mather and Magistrate Hawthorne while inside the cell this

She's not dead yet, but Issac better hurry up if he wants to save her!

I loved this episode as well as the previous episode the most so far in this second season. Anytime Lucy Lawless is on-screen, the show seems to be highly elevated. Even the writing appears sharper and more focused and clever, and also, did I catch a nod to Spartacus from Lawless's mouth this episode? Haha!

Actually a 279 million dollar budget not counting marketing and advertising was what I read… Shocking, isn't it? Some seriously shoddy fx/cgi work. I thought I was watching The Lawnmower Man there for a few seconds during a couple of scenes.

This movie was terrible. I can't believe Whedon went from Serenity to this generic pap. Ultron was the most useless and near-harmless villain ever to rent space inside a Marvel film. The Avengers: Age of Ultron makes Guardians of the Galaxy and The Winter Soldier seem like Citizen Kane in comparison. Joss was clearly

Yeppers! Can't wait to see more eps of PD!

Heyas nknotz! Been a while!

Totally disagree. Yes, it's hammy, but in a delightfully delicious over-the-top kindof way, sortof like Maleficent on acid. ;)

Helen McRory is a fantastic actress! I love her character on Peaky Blinders, but this is such a completely different character compared to the one on her other show. This series can do no wrong in my opinion. Fantastic casting choices! Does anyone know where they shoot Penny Dreadful? I'm mildly curious as to what

Loved this episode! I also really appreciate how it feels like not a second was missed from the finale of S1 to the opener of S2. I was going to be very upset if they did a time-skip but thankfully they didn't. I'm sooooo happy to have this show back on the air!

Lawless's Countess from Salem and Bate's Delphine LaLaurie from American Horror Story: Coven should share blood makeup techniques with each other! Haha! ;P

This to me was the best episode yet! Lots of delicious and dark characters hamming it up for the tv screen. Loved this one! <3

This was my favorite episode thus far. It had a very dark quality to it and it was very intriguing. Can't wait for Lucy Lawless's character to go on into Salem.

I'm a girl and I can't stand his delusional perspective on this show. He kept calling Karen a victim. Does a victim unload an entire gun into her oppressor? Don't just read the comments and think we're going off on Oliver for no reason, there's a reason. Trust me.

I'm not feeling this joker, and I love Leto's work. It's too goth and not enough clown. I think they should've just imitated Ledger's look as closely as possible and we would've gradually gotten used to letting go of Ledger's magnificent work and opened up to Leto's. I had to do the same thing during Spartacus when