Zoe Butcher

" I honestly don't know why Karen is so upset about killing Wesley."

Isn't a female showrunner doing AKA Jessica Jones? I'll be expecting lavish reviews from Oliver once that show airs. lol.

I'll agree that it was the cinematography/directing/camera work/sets/lighting/color schemes that put Daredevil on top over any other superhero show on television(in my opinion) and not the story or the acting necessarily, but I'd also argue that D'Onofrio's portrayal of Fisk is miles better than any actor performing

It's the oddest thing I've ever seen how he prefers female-driven entertainment. Read Oliver Sava's twitter feed and you'll see what I'm talking about…

At last, Oliver admits his bias towards Agents of SHIELD. Nothing wrong with that, it just explains why his reviews have been so spiteful when critiquing Daredevil. DD is currently sitting at a 97% Rotten Tomatoes rating for both critics and viewers alike. Not everyone has to like the same things, we all have

I just think it's weird. Not once have I ever specifically watched something simply because it was a woman who made it as the sole reason for watching it. I watch something because it's good. I just don't think people sit around scrubbing scenes back and forth to locate subjectively perceived slights towards race,

Exhibit A:

The constant nit-picking about race and gender are beginning to remind me of Sonia's reviews. Are we absolutely sure Oliver is a real human being and that these reviews aren't being ghost-written by Sonia? Ha. Just kidding Oliver. ;P

No, he didn't, but it had to have ran through his mind that this story might be the death of him, and oh what a convenient death it was for his wife! lol.

So you don't think it had crossed his mind that he might die, and yet he continued to work it anyway(or at least assist Karen in working the story)? I think somewhere in the back of his mind he knew Fisk was the story he should walk away from if he valued his life, and he just didn't. I felt there was enough

If you read his twitter feed it's not Incursion. It's a film I think.

Ousted? He had something else to do. He left, they didn't "oust" him. lol. Marvel said they have an open door policy if he wants to come back into the fold.

DeKnight on twitter says that he had a feature commitment that got in the way of shooting season two and it's not the sci-fi series Incursion that's been in development hell for years so I can only assume when he uses the word feature he's talking about a film, wouldn't you think?

How was it a pointless death? Ben had been wracking his brain and finances to figure out a way to get his wife into a better facility, and I think it finally dawned on him how to do that, work a very dangerous story with a very bad man at the center of it and take out an enormous life insurance policy on yourself just

I remember reading about that! It was a sci-fi project called Incursion. I would totally be on board if he managed to finally get that project green-lit. Everything he's touched has been a hit and made money. Are tv producers stupid or something? They need to let him run with his instincts and make another deeply

Yes, I'm excited that we'll get more episodes in a very short amount of time, but I'm also disappointed that DeKnight won't be calling the shots for S2. I feel like a lot of the things that went right this season were due to his judgment and experience running Spartacus on a minimal budget over on Starz for 5 years.

So… Do you want the good news or the bad news first? Bad news first? Mk. DeKnight will not be the show-runner for season 2 of Daredevil, and the good news? Season 2 is green-lit to return in 2016. Personally, I'm crushed, because I adore anything having to do with Steven from Angel to Smallville to Spartacus and now

How can a show jump the shark at S1 episode 12? Hahahaha.

I realized that once I saw your last sentence regarding Oliver is back, which of course means finding nit-picky things to poke holes in an otherwise brilliant show. lol.

How weak was Karen when she unloaded a gun into Wesley last episode? I think the point is to show Karen as a normal human being. She doesn't have any super powers, she's just courageous and smart and tenacious. Anyone would be scared of some of the things she's had happen to her but she doesn't let it stop her from