What is this? Are those flashbangs?
What is this? Are those flashbangs?
@Machine-code: Reminds me of this: [gizmodo.com]
@Nicoliman: I second that remarks
The decal alone is stunning. It looks like the children inside is devil's children
Does it comes with swamp organisms too?
Why can't we use regex on wikipedia? That should clear many problems. bra(s|z)il, Jesus, born 0 (A.D.|B.C.) et cetera
But with the icon on the homepage, the kids can easily remove the apps. Is there any turn around for that?
@slickrick23: Counter-counter point
Lifehacker pwnd the server... great
Now I know what nightmare I'll have from this night.
@FooFighting: Make underground worker dorm?
If all the button is customizable it will be the mouse I love
Still waiting for iPad games developed with graphics better than PS One
@Spatchmo: I'd like to see it burns... am I wrong?
@FlyingAvocado: That is overkill...no, more like overnerd
Great! After believing people are willing to buy large iPhone, now they want to sell smaller iPad...
Seriously, they are going to catch it with a NET? With the speed, maybe the baby can get through...like sponge
#3): Douche is a great criteria I appreciate. Some people says great minds think alike, so I expect you'll think like me. But no better. Really, I am the best, and you are inferior. I will insult your intelligence to make sure. No scammers!