Chris Zimmer

Shoot, I’ll put the AQ (asshole quotient) of my governor up against Cuomo any day of the week.

As great as the Tail o’ the Dragon is, it isn’t meant for fast driving. If the state troopers don’t get you, the trees will.

Now playing

United’s abuse doesn’t stop with people, it extends to guitars!

lemme guess 80k on the clock? EXP timing belts always broke every 80k. Thank goodness for noninterference engines.

logging out. You win the internet for the day.

Reagan did do more damage than GW, but GW made the US just look so stupid. Want to feel old? Most people in this country cannot remember the Reagan years. I wish I could forget them.

well, now that you mention it, you’re right, but my way is funnier.

STi for the win. Nothing else suggested even comes close. Better yet, put the STi drivetrain in a Forester.

Remember when we all thought GW was going to go down in history as worst president ever? Good times. Good times.

I should feel bad for the woman, but honestly I’m laughing manically. Actions have consequences.

I know. I’ve driven through dust devils in the CA desert bigger than that.

Now. New off the lot.

I, for one, welcome our old new big bodied Cadillacs. America will truly be great again when these clog our roadways!


Sounds like his sex ed came from brazzers.com run away. As fast as you can.

Physics. The pavement took the penalty for crossing the double yellow out of their ass instead their wallet.

IT is until the US follows in the European style if graduated licensing. However since that, despite making sense, is anti-freedom, we will continue to have 18 year old kids riding 150+ HP bikes getting killed, maimed, and otherwise giving riding the dangerous stigma it carries.

back when I was riding, I’d be changing this thing twice a year. Ouch. I then moved to where year round riding was not possible and sold my bikes. Wife won’t let me get another now that I live in year-round riding territory again.

Yesterday. No.

that’s the biggest heaping helping of grade A what the fuckin fuck I’ve ever seen. Some folks is just too damn dumb to draw breath and yet they do and yet we let them vote. SMDH. Cheetos is only good for eatin and makin you dick look aorange so you can make twisted trump porno flicks when nobody’s watching. shit.