Chris Zimmer

Rule number one is always follow rule number three. Rule number two is always refer to rule number one.. and rule number three is always safety

that is exactly what happened to me in NY. License plate bulb was out. Shop wanted 31 bucks to replace. I said no thanks, I’ll do it. They said OK, fail. Bring it back and we’ll impact it again for another 20 bucks. I screamed loud enough for the other customers to hear me something about being screwed and fuck this

Half wired LS under the hood of a tiny import? Challenge accepted.

Build a wall around Kansas and put ‘em there. No way they’d ever build a wall around NYC and use that as a prison—real estate’s too valuable there. However escape from Kansas doesn’t have the same ring to it.

if you can’t solve the problem in 140 characters or less, nobody will support you.

yee haw, down here in Texas my wife and kids conceal carry*. They’d a blown away them dumb sumbitches for me.

I do that with my manual. I also use cruise control as well. When in a shitbox, cruise control has saved my ass from untold numbers of tickets. Set it and forget it.

Texas and Florida hold each other’s beer as they rush down to the bottom of the barrel of stupidity

How about we talk about that guy’s name? Neidermeyer? Wasnt he the dick ROTC guy from Animal House?

226. I might bleed orange (grew up outside of Knoxville, went to Clemson, live in Syracuse), but I’m also a realist.

Bolt is awesome. Miss the first five minutes of the movie and it becomes quite poignant at the end instead of totally predictable.

it depends on how much they’ve already had to drink

Go big orange. Only 176 more days until it’s football time in Tennessee.

My blood runs deep orange. NP.

Not even the boys from Roadkill would tangle with this, and I often wonder about their sanity with some of the cars they fool with.

I put Win7 on google glass. I ran great for about 5 minutes before it overheated glass and fried it. Google was cool about replacing the device the first time. They weren’t happy about it the second time. I abandoned the project after that.

except basic laptops are cheaper than iPhones and iPad minis. Actual windows laptops not chromebooks. Of course most chrome books are cheaper too.

I’ll be lazy and coinstar my pennies. It’s worth the 30cent fee. Of course it is a pain to separate them out, but my kids still work for candy. I roll the rest myself and use it for gas, date night, and babysitter. That’s about as far as my small crock goes.

Kinda brings new meaning to the phrase “Death from above”

dammit, bitches got off easy.