Chris Zimmer

real men attach their pepper grinders to a drill and go for it.

Don’t forget that shit stain Cruz.

I love it when life imitates Happy Gilmore. Remember when Adam Sandler was funny? Those were good times.

We all agree Dobbs is a grade A first class idiot and completely unqualified to offer up such a patently offensive “treatment” for a natural biological function, however...

as well you should

my wife has those minora some people pay thousands of dollars to have. There’s not enough there to glue shut.

Holy shit! Florida watch out. Kansas is coming for your crazy crown.

All of ‘em

My dick is so hard right now. NP at any price. I love Mark I Sciroccos so much. Maybe even more than my wife and kids.

I felt like that. Turned out to be low testosterone. Getting shots or rubbing on hormones was too much trouble (and insurance refused to cover the 1800 dollar gel treatment) so my wife and I do things together instead of each other.

Hail to the new chief...NP.

the bigger the case, the harder it is to steal?

just like with the film series “where the boys aren’t” you can jump in anywhere along the way.

still overpriced

Nashville Super Speedway

I have yet to see a non-double P. There’s no such thing as an ugly P. It’s like a republican feminist—that shit ain’t real.

Taos is nice, but I’d rather live in Sante Fe over Taos.

and some of us in Amarillo.

what balls?

noooooooooooo. I’m an uncover liberal down here subverting the next generation of Texans. If they secede I’ll have to leave.