Chris Zimmer

Baby cameos! As impressive as all those push ups are, the baby coming into the frame was the best.

It’s amazing how quickly road rage subsides when you only have 2 wheels on the ground and you know that physics, that cruel mistress, is against you. F = MxA and even on a big cruiser bike that M is far far less than the M of even the smallest and lightest of cars (80's era CRX’s).

Texan here. If it ain’t got beans, it ain’t chili. No beans in chili is as unAmerican as our current leader. Fuck him and beanies “chili.”

I have a theory on the Whataburger vs In-N-Out ever since some stranger yelled “Whataburger’s better” at me when I walking into A-Kon last year with In-N-Out. The one you went to first is the one you like the best.

Tavarish? Is that you? 493 > 140, Mercedes wins. 

Banned it several years ago...Why? Nanny state.

but you can’t get four loko in NY.

or by turning the other direction, you can land that 14 year old hottie with the Def Leppard t-shirt, tight acid washed jeans with a Redbull jammed between her legs on your own lap.

In my experience that ugly humpbacked sister is far more freaky, adventurous, and full of nasty fun than her more traditional looking sister.

Norm would have used dovetail joinery. Doesn’t everyone have a dovetail jig in their tool set?

Say what you want, but I got there 3 minutes sooner than all those suckers who weren’t riding like a goddamn idiot. Fuck Yeah!

In my defense, that was my first (and last) cheap shot at Trump and his way of public speaking.

Roadkill went through a bit of a lull there, but they’ve been killing it with these last several episodes.

As the old saying goes, “if you have to ask, you can’t afford it.” I’d also like to ask what it costs.

depends on the color of the inventor’s skin and what his name sounds like. White kid named Bentley—nothing to see here.

YES! I double dog dare you. Please let us know how it goes on the ride home please.

Nobody is denying a turbo version would cost more, but 60K? I would think Subaru can add a turbo to the car without the costs running to put it at the 60k neighborhood. A new 718 Cayman can be had for less (provided you add nothing to it) and it has a turbo boxer 4 cylinder.

Really? 60k? Sounds like Subaru has taken a page from the “pull outlandish shit out of you ass on the spot” from the Trump playbook. SMDH 60k.

Meh, This thing will roll coal better than that Vette

I’d rather have some woman chasing me with a rocket launcher, radio detonated bomb, flamethrower, and a machine gun. If for no other reason, it would mean Carrie Fisher was still alive.