Chris Zimmer

dammit I wanted to say that.

Now playing

+1 for Dead Milkmen reference...Bitchin’ Camaro

I’d start scoping out my spot along the parade route right now.

that right there is enough for me to get on board the Brady train.

ding ding ding ding ding. This. Sure V-Dubs can be nice. Enjoy your electrical gremlins.

No. It was not a thing in the Baywatch years. It’s BOBFOC is funny, but it’s not a thing.

Friday the 13th? Shit, it’s Friday the 20th that I’m scared of.

too bad Edge doesn’t work with Microsoft Dynamics. Classic case of the left hand not talking to the right hand. Sheesh.

Yes he was AND he hates to be reminded of it.

that is the funniest yet saddest thing I’ve read in a loooooong time. Feeling....so....conflicted....

More importantly are they going to get Micheal Dorn to do a cameo? Style points if the cameo occurs at a Star Trek convention.

It is TN. I bet VW’s don’t even have to be tested since the combo of Bredesen/Haslam/Alexander/Corker all sucked VW’s collective dick so hard to get them to build that plant there.

I also came for Zaxxon. Was so pissed it was overlooked, I repeated the suggestion.

Ain’t no school like the old school. You got Qbert, but forgot Zaxxon. Sad trombone for you.

that’s because they went to ‘Bama.

Matt Millen levels of suck at that.

So rather than investing 1.6 billion in building cars Americans don’t want, Ford is investing about half that in building cars Americans want even less. I love this new form of greatness.

What often gets me through the day is thinking, “Well, here’s another story to tell at his wedding.” Then I smile to myself and realize what is truly important.

I don’t know what this is worth, but I do know it is substantially less than 25 kilobucks.