Chris Zimmer

As a Tennessee fan, what do you mean, “ready to hate Kiffin again?” When did we ever stop?

I didn’t think it was possible to get an even more meddlesome owner than Jerry Jones, but here we are.

Your last name isn’t Zimmer is it? Your three year old sounds exactly like mine. All the people are looking and smiling so benevolently and you just know they are thinking one of two things:

Still, 13-3 ain’t bad (provided Romo makes it through the whole game).

Stef for the win.

As a fellow dinosaur, I endorse this comment.

Being on Trump’s list of enemies? Sign me the hell up! I am too young to have made Nixon’s list of enemies though my mom was on it.

The Lebaron convertible is still the DD choice of homosexual men everywhere.

Bone induction headphones are the way to go.

I hope those tires are going to be replaced with something worn the hell out.

AGREED 1000%

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had that very conversation.

This is the car version of taking the beer goggles off.

On the whole, there does seem to be that dichotomy here. As for me, I appreciate the lines of some of the older BMW’s (not the New Class cars though...go older), and if I was to lay my hands on one in need of some TLC, first thing I’d do is engine swap it to something reliable...and NOT some flavor of LS.

it worked for you this time.

That’s not a moustache, that’s a pornstache

accurate description

100% CP, of course only three of us have voted, but I’m predicting a landslide victory for CP today.

Smart money is on a Subaru...the obvious choice.