
I'm totally with you on this. Back when I was a teen, I was driving 100+mph on a daily basis, steering with my knees, texting while eating a doughnut while driving, and dodging deer that jumped out in front of me, all while never getting in a single accident. Today, I'm a much more focused driver, never speed, yet I

In fact, here in 2015, meeting up through the Internet is so common that I know people who have made friends, started relationships, even become engaged following their online rendezvous. And I'd say that I only disapprove of two, maybe three of these relationships, which is a far better proportion than people I know

These days, things have changed – so much that virtually anyone who spends any time on car forums probably also attends Cars and Coffee, and shows up at 4 a.m. to get a good spot, and posts photos on Instagram of how their local Ford Focus club managed to take up an entire row of parking, and Tweets pictures of the

Likelihood of starting the robot uprising: 4/10

If roundabouts were built like that here, they'd be fantastic. Problem is, the geniuses who design them get this idea that they need to use the entire 'wasted area' in the middle as a park, and build something too large to see over/around. You essentially enter the roundabout without any way to see the oncoming

That was exactly my first thought.

Plywood —especially the 3/4, 13-ply wood they're using — is actually a remarkable material, flexible and quite strong. Cars have been built from wood for years (ask Morgan), and unless you're planning on filling it up with gas by driving through a gasoline pool and then enjoying a nice smoke, plywood is plenty safe to

Wow, that's one loaded refrigerator.

I was thinking the same thing. That could also possibly circumvent some of the 'no sense of touch' issue.

I don't know. This just... wasn't that exciting. I guess I drive at high speeds through blizzards too much for this to seem that unusual to me. Especially if he knew what the mountain was like before he jumped.

No airbag? I'm really surprised; I would've thought the safety laws would apply to big rigs, too.

Actually, I didn't realize this, but they're owned by Fujitsu, which is another prominent company that is missing from that list. Fujitsu actually makes most of the laptop hard drives in computers today.

Neither is Hitachi, which is interesting, considering they have the best track record for hard disk longevity*. Not that I suspect those two things are connected, but I've been using Hitachi drives for a few years because of their reputation.

Ha! I see that you read Clickhole. Your articles definitely share their sense of humor.

My thoughts exactly. I couldn't care less what GM does, but if they pull this off and make decent profits, it might be enough to make Ford take note and bring the Bronco back to life.

The reason that doesn't really look like Kirk is because it isn't. It's one of the redshirts. Heck, those guys were a central theme to just about every episode; gotta give 'em some respect, too.

Metropolis, about a sexy android who leads a workers uprising.

Right, but like I said, I've also got steel siding. I even have a steel roof. The only part of my house that isn't wrapped in steel is the glass panes in the windows. I guess I could get expensive metal-blade Venetian blinds.

I wonder if the steel siding and metal doors on my house are enough. Now I just need metallic tint on my windows.

That shadow looks like it belongs on a poster for an action movie.