
That is a possibility that would be an exciting (and unexpected) tie-in. I actually didn't even notice her lol.

There are, of course, many actresses in this trailer, but I'm assuming you're referring to one of the two red heads — but neither of them are Karen Gillan. They are Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow, and Elizabeth Olsen as Scarlet Witch. Karen Gillan is already in the Marvel universe as the villain Nebula in

'90s Chevy Blazers, and (I believe) trucks. First-gen Ford Super Duty. I'm sure there are many more, but I know those 2 for a fact, as I own/have owned both. The redeeming thing about the DRLs is that they don't turn the dash lights on, which will remind you to turn in your headlights when you can't see your speedo.

Four SSDs and a hard drive? That's Nuts.

ohh man that is soo totally one of my biggest fears. Of course, not that specific, but any time something spiky and vertical is near me, it freaks me out that I'm going to trip on something and git it in my eye. Have you every noticed how many restaurants have those 4" spikes next to the cash register to stick

So, lets put this into some perspective, here:

I promise this isn't a political or 'pot stirring' question, but in all seriousness, there is pretty much no racial diversity in that video. Is that pretty representative of the workforce there, or is Porsche racist? Obviously I'm an oblivious American, so I know virtually nothing about the diversity there, or in

I thought the same thing. I guess that just shows I've never been East of Chicago.

The term 'sawbuck' is an American term, yet when I use it, I always get funny looks. If I say 'fiver' or 'single', people always know what I mean. I'm not sure where 'single' originated, but nobody here (NW USA) says it beside me.


I'm not crazy about this style of car art (too busy for my tastes), but that Porsche is tastefully done. The way the art follows some of the body lines implies that it was meant to enhance the car — not just use the car as a blank canvas.

so... is that the manga-style 'hungry mouth', or a nose over an open mouth (grille)?

That is so weird that they use leather gardening gloves.

In all seriousness, is supreme leader's face airbrushed, or is he wearing makeup? Cause it's creepy either way, but for different reasons.

I feel the same way. My family's holiday budget is $50 per person — total. And yes, there are plenty of gifts under the tree. Thanks to Amazon.

And that dude's Awesome hair.

They don't look very pleased to be photographed.

The Facebook post would read "The one that really got me was #1"

Eh, I'd disagree on calling this 'clickbait'; it delivered exactly what the headline promised. And there was no ambiguous "it'll blow your mind!" at the end.