
Please oh Please, Mr Inafune. Is Soul Sacrifice Delta getting a release in the west?

Its funny becuase I agree with you. Growing up my Dad let me as a 5 year old watch Full Metal Jacket and Hamburger Hill. I turned out fine be the grace of God, because after the TV was off we did things as a family more of my childhood was spent camping and hiking then indoors watching TV or playing games. My Dad and

He'll get away with it just fine, as long he and others don't keep drawing comparisons to Capcom. There are a zillion games that are 'clones' of others, it's nothing new.

which you would have known was all pointed out in the article if you had bothered to read it instead of just looking at the image and commenting.

I quote:

(TL;DR - The money is for getting quality 3D modelling)

"Isn’t $100,000 too low to be making a title of this caliber?
When you think of usual developing fees, USD100,000 is definitely not enough to create a video game. However, as each of our members are professionals in their own field, they do not require a

We have to wait to end of September for the European release over here. :( Next week sounds great!

Also, I believe they said the LED on the controller can substitute for the move in most PS4 Games.