
I think... this is a misunderstanding by people (Musk is to blame). Old Blue check being reused. Forget old blue. It’s done. New blue is a paid badge. means jackall. not verified. not official. nothing. there is no verified status anymore (for the time being).

slight incorrect with his modes. yes, he can shift. but his mechanics are like bastion in that his 2nd mode is temporary and on a timer. and with most things, on a cd timer when it ends.

Biden is addressing the wrong problem. If he wants prices to come down, then he needs to invest more into getting America a better public transportation infrastructure. Less cars on the road, less gas being used, less profits for big oil.

she didnt do a lot of VA work. Most of her career is in the london theater. Which it sounds like she is going back to after this whole thing.

Looking at the kickstarter landing page, yeah... the game does take a bunch of notes from IKEA design. outside of the colors. the showroom design and layout are very much IKEA specific. really hard to argue other furniture stores besides IKEA use this design.

I mean, they could. if that was truth. 

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

considering this is coming from a developer, I would guess they werent lying. no reason to. doesnt benefit them to control the narrative of history. Blizz’s reputation is already in the can. so they really have nothing to lose by lying about this. and people arent going to suddenly praise them for it either.

you are trying to equate two unrelated systems as being related. Blizz intentions werent that way. You may not agree, but that is what their intentions were. The auction house system would still launch even if the itemization system was perfect.

Netflix.. it aint a value add if you plan to jack up the prices by $2-3 dollars every year. that isnt how value works.

spent about 10-20 hours playing OW2. Can concur. Great they dropped loot boxes, but the F2p experience feels worse for it. One step forward, two steps back situation.

it’s the title cards for each game. they feel kind of out of place compared to the design of the rest of the app. Valve needs to update the design language of the title cards. it works for Desktop, but mobile it feels kind of contrast-y compared to the rest of the app.

it wasnt “spread misinformation”. it was “promote misinformation” and specifically if you were using paypal service in any means to do this.

nope. will fail for the same reason as stadia, because you are renting from MS. you dont own your games and never will. mY pReSerVaTiOn.

yeah. US is garbage for mobile plans. prepaid is like... $30 a month for like 5GB of data. but you can pay $50 for unlimited!... It is absolutely atrocious how US people get blasted for charges and service.

Yeah, the major carriers are bad value for the price. This article was poorly and reeks of someone who doesnt really get the wireless landscape.

they arent. but age enforcement on any platform is incredibly difficult. they kind of have to rely on users to report ToS violations.

slight difference here. they arent looking to tank wall street. sinking the US economy is bad for everyone, even for themselves. they cant make money on wall street if prices are crashing.

there isnt much engagement with BTS content being released. for the tech-minded, Im sure they are interested. But for most people, just want some polished gameplay being shown and be told its coming out soon.

they werent trying to destroy the economy. they subreddit was targeting large capital hedge funds and trying to sink their scrabble ships full of money.