
I got the OP was only wishing it. OP just wanting Rockstar to be slightly spiteful because of this.

they arent canceling what will eventually be a Billion dollar release. no company is that insane. This isnt some mid-level indie release. GTA6 is too big NOT to release and T2/Rockstar arent going to cancel. A delay in release? sure. But outright cancelling is out of the question.

most of it is fine, just that you never gave consent according to Cali law for all of this to happen. which is just a technicality.

someone with 35k followers on youtube isnt even a blip on the radar. Im sorry, but if you think you are “famous” with 35k followers, you need a reality check.

technically, game is still in early access. Full release wont be until the game gets a few expansions.

Fairly sure the studio is being run on hopes and dreams at this point.

likely be tossed once blizz shows everything the parent has to do to end up in this situation. this wasnt negligence on the part of blizzard.

shits on switch for being a cloud version.

people who own the game arent going to actively watch. more often they will just find a streamer, mute it, and go do something else. You dont need to keep the tab active to get the drop. as long as the streamer that is participating is on your browser, you get credit.

you cant complain about your rights being violated if you are dead.

false dichotomy. The USD isnt backed by faith. Because faith can be lost and regained at a whim. Which is how Crypto keeps itself functioning.

SquareEnix hasnt owned Hitman for years. IO went full independent and kept the IP in the split. IOI now develops and publishes the series themselves.

Yeah, that statement is written weirdly. On their site they mention App store is a reference to Mac App store. PC release listing includes Steam, EGS, Windows Store, and Mac App Store. no mention of mobile release on the official site.

Elon isnt going to just suddenly appear and demand the perma deletion of all moderation and rules on Twitter. That’s not how any of this works. People who think that are going to get a rude awakening.

right. the only people benefitting from streamers running ads is Twitch, at the cost of streamers potentially losing money in the deal. Twitch doesnt incentivize streamers very well to run ads. The ad systems needs a major rework to benefit streamers and twitch.

that too. stepping away for a break and running an ad is a quick way to lose eyeballs. losing eyeballs means less potential for subs. so across the board, streamers arent paid enough to make it worth while. more money for Twitch and less money for streamers by running ads. losing proposition.

game isnt releasing on mobile. Console and PC only. App store reference is meant to be for the Mac’s App Store.

streamers dont because it just isnt profitable. it’s something like$0.1o per ad they run.

you do realize him threatening to sell his shares is an extremely bad thing. It would only cause the price of twitter to crash. what do you think will happen when everyone sees that twitter’s price is in free fall? they will also sell. Him threatening to sell his shares IS being taken seriously by twitter execs

you realize this move isnt against the citizens of russia. Plenty of russians still work at non-russian locations. This move is deliberate to stop supporting Russia financially.