
You know... Retailers should just charge scalpers their own prices for the merchandise they buy. Instead of MSRP. Want to buy a console? from retailer and look fishy, sure we’ll just go ahead and charge you $1500 for that new console. Im sure you wont mind.

a lot of these acquisitions is to strengthen the Gamepass value. MS sees Gamepass as the brand’s future and are just making this big splashes to strengthen the product which will help MS in the gaming space in decades to come.

general insinuation that rich people deserve to be ripped off. which is a shitty sentiment.

Logan paul isnt out of anything. If you watched the video, the person who sold him the box is going to refund him the money and now that person is out their $2.7mil and has no way of getting that back. This is even after multiple parties verified the authenticity of the outside packaging. No one opened until now

I think explains it: Shipping companies are having to cleanup the empties to make room for the fulls, so that trucks can get the fulls quicker and not be hit with fines because of a mess the shipping companies created. Empties out, fulls in. less empties at port means more room for trucks to pickup and haul away the

kotaku was the most recent outlet to rebroadcast the incorrect information. They can be blamed as much as the source of the quote. Journalistic integrity and all that.

this is the correct answer. Kotaku being kotaku yet again.

NFT was trying to solve the problem of... how do you “own” something in a digital space where thousands of copies can exist. It’s solution was the blockchain. Think of backups with tens of thousands of copies available with record proof of a transaction happening. so if I sold you one digital mona lisa, the blockchain

Rival countries do not (or should not) directly have confidential documents. Best they can do is reverse engineer based on what they have seen. These are guesstimates at best. Leaking confidential documents to other nations is a serious offense. Government agencies go through great lengths to make sure confidential

ok.. I think  you mean Steampunk and Space Fantasy?

This may be from a Top Billing perspective. The FIFA name being front and center in the title. Like, EA Pays for the NFL license, but NFL isnt in the title of Madden series. Top Billing goes to John Madden. In this case, EA has to pay Madden to use his name in the title of the game.

if FIFA is in the title in any manner, then yes. EA has to weigh the cost of the licensing vs the profits. If they make enough money on title sales to justify the cost of licensing the FIFA name to put on the cover then they will continue to license the name. If they can keep the sales without using FIFA, they will be

at the end of the day, he is still making the shareholders wheelbarrows full of cash. Why ruin that stream of money because of bad press? Things settle and in a month people will forget this happened. It’s the way the world works. Capitalism at its finest.

smaller bezel. physical dimensions are the exact same between OLED and old models.

it’s not cut and dry. To the average use, they will use Apple Pay for apps because how convenient it is (most devs will still include it because why not? it’s still money). Fingertap or Open Camera and item purchased. The one losing money is the dev, not the person. Outside the app, the iOS user has to re-enter their

The only part where Epic won was a ruling saying that Apple was violating Cali’s anti-competition laws. The only change was that Apple cannot block/prohibit devs from communicating or providing links to payments that are outside of iOS. Which Apple already did a couple weeks back. So this case was very sided for

they arent allowing third party payments on iOS. They are still restricted to Apple pay only. They just cant block communication or links to outside sites to accept payment.

Yeah, the phrase is paraphrasing his thoughts on anime. It has the ability to tell wonderful stories and create incredible characters but it’s mostly being used to re-use cliches and tropes using the same themes.

Im sorry. but this is a pet peeve of mine... but you guys putting the game name BELOW the screenshot underneath a huge gap throws me off. It’s disorienting and more than one occasion has confused me on what title goes with what game. Because the title is closer to the screen shot below, it’s makes it aweful to scroll

More often someone initiates an audit.