
gamers are hungry for games and developers can only make games so quickly. Re-hashes fill the void between major new releases. You dont need to buy them if you arent interested. But new way to reach out to players new and old for a game they may have missed at original release.

Be careful, fahey.

or... you know. saving for another Sony showcase. because Sony is lacking in showing off the system’s capabilities. they showed games, they showed price and date. but have skipped on showing UI/System features. MS has been sprinkling the info over the past 6 months.

different experiences. games like genshin impact are like MMOs. you are playing to be playing for years to come. hades is a smaller experience. Play for 60-80 hours and then you move on to something else.

Honest Question:

this article proves that date/time are irrelevant. What MS did is make it so that bots can buy out the entire stock of systems in 3 minutes from all sites simultaneously.

reports are saying 2 waves were sent out already.

considering it’s their livelyhood... yes. this does affect them in a negative way. this can hurt their growth because they arent pushing the ad button enough on their stream.

Apple thinks they will be fine. They want the entire Gaming service pie to themselves with their 1Billion + device marketshare. So even if 10% of users signup, that is still $1Billion a month from those 100million Apple Arcade signups. That money is monthly. They make the platform and control the rules. Rules say, no

Apple considers them the same. Pay a monthly fee and get access to a collection of games at no extra cost. Regardless of size of development of those titles.

Apple is looking out for Apple with these rules. The streaming apps directly compete with Apple Arcade. They dont want to allow competition on their platform. So they would rather make rules to make it impossible for competition to exist. If you want a curated list of games, Apple Arcade is your only choice on iOS.

Having too much stuff wouldnt be any issue if all players actively played everything in the game. but when there are times when no one is in it, it can hamper the new player experience. Trying to do public activities by yourself isnt fun. Especially when you are new to the game.

you are exactly the type of person they are targeting. With the expansion they want you to have an easier time entering the game. One of the new areas in the expansion is the D1 starting area, so new players get to experience D2 starting with the D1 intro experience and early experience.

Smaller game means smaller install footprint. Which means easier point of entry for new players. People are more willing to install a 50gb game and not a 150gb game. They also concentrate the player base in to more active activities.

ignore, wrong person.

Different issues. This one is regarding a handful of people and sexual allegations. There is another regarding lack of diversity in management positions. These two issues can find solutions at different paces. This article only addresses the former issue. Ubisoft is still working on solutions for the latter.

real life aint like movies. change takes time to enact. saying there are issues and addressing those issues isnt something a rousing speech at a company wide meeting will make go away.

And while I agree there is still advantage to owning your games, the problem is that even when you buy them on Stadia, you don’t own them, and Google can remove them from the service whenever they want for whatever reason (say, a game uses licenced music or licenced characters and the licence expires.

can you still play those games if you stop paying? no, you cannot. MS has those games paywalld. in that case, you still need to buy those games if you want to continue playing. Which is now more money for MS, and now you cant even play those games on your phone without continuing to pay MS $15. If you want to play

they already denied that was the case in a recent tweet. Gamepass and gold are separate services and arent planning on bundling them together.