fotoshopped felines
fotoshopped felines
Lots of people are telling us about how sick they were when they had 'the flu.' Their experience sounds most definitely awful, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone — but as there are about 200 varieties of virus or bacgterium that affect upper respiratory as well as gut health floating around all year long, then unless…
Preparing in advance, eh? I like to prepare afterwards!
And nevermind that hysterectomy is pretty much the most over-prescribed yet unneccessay surgery. So a big shout-out to robotics for mutilating women more accurately for no reason !
How is this lining of the lave done, please? I am most curious!
I'm over 40 (if I look behind me, I can see it somewhere back there, if I squint reeel hard) and yes! The hell with this having to look good inanity. Who's to judge? And who gives a shit if they don't like how you look? And why tread on eggshells and make decisions on how other people may perceive your appearance?…
Brandon Norrie's account was hacked! By someone who can't spell! Just like Brandon Norrie!
Gosh, who knew tht maggot-infested buckets of pig diarrhea could Tweet!?
As a Canadian, I don't know how anybody could have voted for any of the redneck creationist misogynist Bible thumpers who rule our government.
(1) Austin Powers, baby!
Not so dumb if he understood! :)
Still, one would be interested in examining the contents more closely ...
Saw SS on Couric's show, she wore little red flats. Maybe she will single-footedly bring back Shoes That Don't Kill Your Feet But Are Still Sexy?
x-ray tights appear to be x-rays of someone with pins in ntheir femurs/hips (?)
My oak barrel's at the cleaners ...