
By far, these are my favorite hit-and-runs...,no one to hit...

That's disgusting. Just because you don't agree with someone doesn't give you the right to spam with porn and gore.

Lol, I work within 10 minutes of there!

Oh man, I've been doing it wrong this entire time!

I little bit. Namely for the great mpg that you get.

Says the man called "turbo-prius".

I really want a sedan super car....

....blue murder? What is that?

Wait, MI people are suppose to be obese? Crap, I gonna start getting fat then!

Koegels, faygo, and better made chips for the win!

Grammar is hard, :p.

Your welcome, but I stick with my original statement of "Emma is a lovely lady." It gives her personality, character.

That is actually impressive. Now I'm curious what he exactly used.

Now I want to see a horse race against the RC car.

Huh, my engine has been really reliable, and it's at 86k now. There are some lurking issues with the mounts though I hear.

Your car = Emma = awesome

I've heard that the pre'06 cruisers were unreliable. Mine's a '08, auto, haven't really had a problem with it, besides anything to do with Florida heat or Michigan snow.

Wait, you can do that with a Chrysler car too. Why aren't they being sued?

So does that make NJ the new FL? Or is NJ just like Alaska, where everything wants to kill you?