
Hmm...have you thought about moving out of state?

You may have bad karma....just saying...

No, I work for Yahoo. Same thing, right?

Pickaxes actually, but those things would be more deadly flying at you... *shutters*

I was just thinking that too...

I recently rented a new Gen Ford Focus here in America. I liked the car, but one of the quirks I didn't like was all the buttons underneath the screen like in the pic. Now, I thought about it, and I couldn't think of a reason why there are so many buttons. Since you know interior design for cars, maybe you can explain

A old, base Honda Civic doesn't have a tach, but comes in stick. A friend had one.

Nice, reasonable response! Thumbs up!

Man, I guess I'm the only one then still....

Who are in cahoots with the beavers.

Are you sure it was a Canadian beaver? They are usually really polite. I'm thinking it was an Anerican beaver.

Quick, someone send him a fruit basket and a Jalopnik sticker! He deserves it!

Psh, don't be ridiculous! They spontaneously burst into flames, they don't need anything to set it off.

Pretty much. And eating vegan doesn't give you all the nutrients you need, like from eating meat. I know some people that have to take pills just to get those nutrients. And if you're on the road, traveling, being vegan is difficult because your trusted food source isn't nearby. It's a decision you have to stick with,

I don't like PETA at all. Back in high school, someone gave me a pamphlet for PETA. It was full of mutilated chickens, used to 'scare' people to be vegan. Their tactics aren't right.

No PETA, the correct response would be to just give the Vegan food to the families to begin with. Since they don't have any other food, it's a trial period for the could-be vegans. If they like it, they'll keep up with it. If they don't, free publicity for PETA.

McDonalds burgers aren't even real meat usually. So the argument is invalid. Killing a animal with the purpose of consuming and using all the parts, that is ok. Killing an animal just for kicks, not ok.

But eating meat is so delicious!

I've been reading your posts, and yamahog, you're awesome. Second, I'm pretty sure these commenters are all burner accounts, a lot of them just posted a few times and haven't posted since. I blame PETA.

It is pretty messed up. Veganism is a choice, and shouldn't be thrust upon someone just because they are down on their luck.