
You have to use a shuttle to get to it.

I'm glad i'm not the only one with this dream. I have already decide my cat will be the parrot on my shoulder, my dog my first mate, and my wife the booty.

Look at the railing on the top of it, its bent. I'm willing to bet the pic/gif is modified.

Pretty sure its fake. When it grows, not everything lines up. Look at the railing on the roof.

The Sea Duck may or may not be the best plane ever.

It is, you're not the only one.

Does the top come off to be a convertible? Like in the movie?

In order to go faster you have to use the force. It could be a design flaw, not sure.

This is now one of my most favorite stories I have ever heard on Jalopnik.

With the heart of a sports car? I see no problem with that.

Busting balls and breaking hearts.

...i think it is a reference to wife beating.

Huh....I wasn't aware that VW's had unintended acceleration issues as well. Maybe they should team up with Toyota?

"Honey, we always knew you were different."

I like how the bumper is undamaged.

So...which side did it inherit the most from?

It was a cab forward design, right? Hopefully the other guy was flung from the cab and into safety...

At least I'm not the only one that was concerned. I watched it without sound though, so I don't know all that was said. But at around 1:50, I clearly saw something that looked like blood fly across the screen.

Any word on what happened in the aftermath?

About 1:50 you can see blood in the air. That ain't good either.