
Then I can’t help you. I found enough and I own a PS4 with likely 10 times the games you do. Still didn’t stop me from buying a WiiU.

If you won’t buy a WiiU, then you don’t get to play the game. Simple.

How is not wanting people to steal your shit “irrational”?!

Split-Screen Co-op?

I bought an Amazon Echo as a Black Friday deal it arrived already! My 7-year-old is putting it through its paces. We have established thst Alexa has good answers to “Alexa, self-destruct,” “How much is that doggie in the window?” and “Do you have a butt?” So, a great investment.

I bought an Amazon Echo as a Black Friday deal it arrived already! My 7-year-old is putting it through its paces. We

yes well, if i recall, no one asked for splatoon or pikmin when they were launched ether :P

Nintendo made it CLEAR that their mobile offerings will NOT be what you see on consoles or handhelds. If you decided to ignore that and expect otherwise, thats on you.

That looks very, very cool.

It also looks like they’re going to be hearing from Sony’s lawyers very, very soon.

Gotta love how “gimmick” is automatically branded as a bad thing. A gimmick doesn’t need to be bad, if anything it’s the perception of any individual that does that.

Yes let’s all play games with Atari paddles only!

Whaaat so you can’t visit Kotaku AT ALL unless you’ve finished every recent game that came out?

You pathetic spiteful little child. You just spoiled the game for me and anyone else reading this thread simply because you disagreed with one commenter and you couldn’t behave in a mature and respectful manner.

Hey, thanks. That’s really kind of you.

Ahhh, I didn’t think about that. After seeing the level of bullshit you are having to put up from everyone over this I’m sorry that I added my comment to the list. Sorry you are getting so much flak for stating that you would have rather found out about that on your own. Keep fighting the good fight.

Can we stop using spoilers as gifs? I mean yeah i imagine its just an arm upgrade but i would have loved coming across this in game. Not all of us can just sit and grind a game, at least give us a month to finish the game.

Without the second screen, this game just won’t be as good as the Wii U version, period. That was integral to the experience.

(I’ll preface this by saying Nerd Rage is my comic...I write and draw it.)

What the hell do you people want from Doom? People moaned when it was said it was too much like Call of Duty and less Doom. now it’s more Doom and people are moaning it looks too “brown” or “generic”