
All of the Mario Karts have had their own mechanics honestly. They return with some levels while also making new ones, but the mechanics themselves get mixed up. It's always fun to ask a group which Mario Kart is their favorite and why...you will get a nice mix of answers lol.

I would love to play some great RPG's on the Wii U. The GamePad could allow for more dynamic cameras on the TV while you used the information to send commands without taking up screen space (sort of like the DS remake of Chrono Trigger where it was an option to keep the top screen clean).

Going from there is the difference in trophies too. Along with the stages, the trophies will focus on portable renditions from different game series's on the 3DS while it will stick to the console ones for the Wii U. So we get 2 full sets of trophies to go after now! :) While I will love the detail the Wii U ones

Nintendo is paying for this game out of pocket, and owns the publishing rights outright...it isn't going anywhere. And even if it does somehow, it would have to be changed because of the Wii U specific gameplay features and probably have a 6 year lock like Mass Effect 1 had...except Microsoft didn't pay for that game

I've been playing the hell out of mine since I got it at launch and have never been "disappointed" with it at all. I have a large and varied library of games (physical copies), a good amount of eShop digital only titles, Wii U VC titles, as well as being able to play all of my Wii, Wiiware, and Wii VC games on it.

I've always been a fan of Nintendo systems and games over the decades and have LOVED my Wii U, but from a point of view in regards to gamers they really need to come out swinging this time. We need announcements, partnerships, and more from Nintendo Directs. These, together with a stellar E3 showing, can help to

Yeah, just thought of it after reading your post then spent a few mins on photoshop lol. Thanks though! :)

Basically lol. I mean, what can go wrong with a clone of a clone of a clone....

Was talking with a friend and brought up something pretty similar. I thought it would be funny to make it a gestalt where the 32X, Genesis, Sega CD, a cartridge, and a controller would all be individual robots that could make one giant one. Would be a rare sight where a gestalt could combine in BOTH forms lol.

Should get together and compare collections sometime

We could reverse it and have G1 (or G2) Grimlock riding on a G1 prime maybe lol. I'm going to have to break down and get the collection out for this one. So many hilarious ideas.

Thanks! Yeah, those are all mine lol. That is just one shelf in one room though. Here is a better picture of it. :)

True. I just had him on display with the trailer put up for now which has all of the accessories. While funny, I didn't feel like pulling that all out right now lol.

He looks more like a dragon than a dinosaur...wtf is with the horns? And while there was a two headed dragon type transformer that actually existed (Hun-Gurr) I almost fear that the one in the trailer is somehow Swoop with their line of "thinking". Maybe they are trying to merge the Dinobots in with the Predacons

I see your Fall of Cybertron editions and raise it with the Masterpiece ones :) (though I couldn't get Prime to hold that Grimlocks sword lol)

I bought it for Wii U, enjoyed it, and was looking forward to the DLC. But I did the same thing as Segasdreamer and bought the lot of Indie games that are on sale right now with the refund. :) But this whole argument for 1.) There are no games on the Wii U, and 2.) Nintendo people only buy Nintendo games is kind of

Yeah, sadly it's becoming a more annoying "how many licks does it take..." argument where people can come and make superiority claims instead of just playing the damn games. ALL of the systems will have unique and fun games that make each worth owning instead of getting just one out of some defensive sense of loyalty

Neither would I good sir (or lady)...neither would I. Sadly without a ruling stating that all bits have to be treated the same (basic tenant of Net Neutrality) that very situation could arise. I know people keep saying that the market would keep in check, but how many of us only have either one option where we live,

With the push for download only games and systems, you can look at over 40GB for a single download, or more if it's streaming over Sony's Playstation Now plan where the size of a game could be infinite depending on how much you play. This is why I prefer having physical games myself.

What sites would you miss out on then? No Facebook for you is fine, but what about some smaller site a friend may recommend? I can see it now..."Hey check out this article link from this smaller website...oh wait, you cant see it because you didnt pay the extra $30 a month for the unregistered sites...oh well. We