
It's a throw back to the NES games art which I loved. I'm always glad to see them trying different art styles for different games as it helps make each one so distinct while letting some of them that are directly connected share some things as well (like the Wind Waker/Phantom Hourglass/Spirit Track titles and

Got my hands on a 2DS today and I have to say it is actually REALLY nicely made. Was comfortable to hold, I like the change on the start/select buttons, and the the feel of how your hands go over it and the shoulders was well done. Didn't have any issue reaching the bottom screen with my thumb for games that use

Never in human history is knowledge never "important" lol. I understand fantasy as well as movies that try to portray a sense of realism about a subject. You bring up examples of storys that are based on unreal situations while this is supposed to be an example of realism in space. So while the movie can be

Wasn't aware of there being any kind of argument. They usually seem to get along with people pretty well lol. It's a fairly small, but active, team over there. What was said?

One I am looking forward to that is coming to Wii U is "Two Brothers" from Ackk Studios. It's a nice looking action RPG that uses the discovery of color in the world as well as the play on death being a requirement of the game. Coming out on PC pretty soon, and Wii U early 2014. :) Ackk Studios Website and we did

That's Capcom's call on that, not Nintendo. Does suck though...would love to see what others are up to on MiiVerse.

I'm running fine with that 32GB so far myself and will just get an external when I need it at a cost that will be lower than what they could have either included or sold as an "official" option. This is also why I prefer to have my games in a physical format over strictly digital. Less drive space required, and I

But apparently planning for game types OTHER than what they want isn't. People do play platformers and fighting games on PC...and this thing just doesn't look like it will work out for those at ALL. I'm sure it will work great for games in first person (Half Life, Left 4 Dead, etc), and they claim it will work great

Just like the low the DS had where everyone said Nintendo was doomed...and then the games came and it sold like crazy?

Well put :) I still believe Nintendo has much to offer the gaming community, even when said community is being a spoiled little kid and says they don't matter anymore. Succeed or fail, Nintendo is willing to take chances and not make the same box again and again which just homogenizes the experiences across

Except Zelda wasn't designed for the arcade...neither was Metroid. Super Mario Bros did get an arcade version in the VS series, but honestly they made many of their games for the console. I know many of the other games at the time were designed around that mechanic (Contra and Double Dragon for sure to name two that

As much money as they have, and as much money as they roll in constantly thanks to their IP's and hardware...they are FINE for quite awhile. It would take decades of no profit at all to get them in trouble. But they have been making money all but I think TWO years in their 100+ year existence lol.

One question...WHY would they release THEIR games on someone elses hardware at a cost? They would have to pay them for the chance to do this. They make games so you get their hardware to play them. They get money from this and licensing fees from other publishers to boot. To drop that and just say "ok, now this

I still don't understand where you get at saying that all they seem to do is release HD remakes when you already have a set of games there...NONE OF WHICH ARE HD REMAKES lol. Donkey Kong...that is a new game, not a remake. New Super Mario Bros U / New Super Luigi U...new games, not remakes. Pikmin 3...new game.

My favorite is when they say my opinion or ideas don't count because I enjoy Nintendo games so it is a sign I'm not a "real gamer". Utter BS when they can't come up with a decent reply or want to actually discuss something.

So what you are saying is that you actually haven't PLAYED any of the games...you just get upset that they have successful franchises that people know, that people buy, and thus they use these "worlds" as a skin for new gameplay ideas and titles along with the new characters they introduce in new games or as they

Don't forget Halo Anniversary, Shadow of the Colossus/ICO HD Collection, the upcoming Fable remake, Final Fantasy X for PS3 and Vita, Castlevania HD remake, and Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD. Yep, no one else does HD remakes to sell...just Nintendo with their trend of one game and one collection. HOW DARE THEY (not make a

Both of which were console games that got a face lift and were released as a portable title. Those were never available to that audience and benefited from better hardware.

Well, Undead Nightmare was released as a stand alone so it kinda WAS its own game lol.

I honestly didn't mind how Nintendo did New Super Luigi U because they clearly announced that it would be a stand alone disc if you wanted that instead of DLC, and then made the DLC cheaper when they could have charged the same for both.