
LOLOLOL That has to be one of the best jokes involving my last name in awhile that did NOT wander into Austin Powers territory lol.

I'm her dad lol. I'm the one talking in the video and recording who wrote the original article. I had NO idea when I did that before class this morning it was going to spread like THIS though. Just...wow...

And in regards to using it as a tool, it could help her focus enough to play a board game with us without having to lean all over the board and knock pieces over. Or heck, just be able to read a book from a more traditional distance instead of using a big CRT camera system she slides the book under and it blows the

You would be surprised how well she can do just running around. She has a tendency for her eyes to "pivot back and forth" when she is trying to focus on something at any distance. If it is an object that is close, she can see it well enough. The screens on the Occulous would be within that range for her. Then the

EXACTLY! Was thinking of something like this by using the ever shrinking PC's we have now (or maybe even just a cell phone) to operate the screen and control the cameras. Simple backpack for a good long battery life and she would be set.

I wouldn't say no! I would love to get some help and work on a project like that! Would benefit alot of kids with vision issues.

Yeah, but they are working on versions for people with prescription glasses (I believe) so I was basing it on that. Plus, she has some (really thick) glasses that she can use to at least help with it.

Actually, I have been researching using the Oculus Rift as a tool for her. I am going to school for electrical engineering and have made it my mission to help her see better. Will this happen...not sure, but I will damn sure try! lol. Thinking of using small mounted cameras, a battery pack, a small computer to run

Hey to all, this would be her Dad (Jeremy Powers). She finally played for the first time yesterday (I only got a picture because I was still just having so much fun lol) but today I made sure I got video (I was filming with my right hand while playing as Luigi with my left on the Pro controller) just so everyone can

And how are you 100% sure of this? Nintendo shut this down because of the money, not because it was fan made. I watch fan made Nintendo videos all the time that they have not "taken down" because they paid for themselves. The one I watched that came out about 2 months ago with Link and Dark Link sword fighting was

No, but they weren't making money off of it either then. Machinima was becoming a more popular thing than it was before. Just about all of the companies have rules in place about it now. No one really did then.

Partly because that is when they can use that right...only when someone actually makes a move. You can't be arrested because you joke about stealing a car...but if you start to steal it you can be arrested in the act.

They are also licensed and work directly with Microsoft. Why do you think they showed up in a bunch of films or shorts on the 360. It also lets them sell the DVD's. Machinima on its own is covered under Microsoft's "allowed" uses of their content regardless as long as they are not profiting from it.

Agree with that as well. Wouldn't be the first time it has happened...look at the Zelda "fan films" that I see all the time. Some are pretty good, but none asked for money or profited. It was a real work of a "fan".

And the funny thing is if they had just ASKED Nintendo about it first...pitch the ideas and their storyboards to the people that actually own the IP they used, they could have gotten an ok. More than likely a no, but going to the route they did it just guaranteed that no. And with Nintendo's permission to make this

Yeah, guess they could talk to the Halo: Faith people for advice lol.

I like the slim look of the system and the black color so I got the 32GB one myself. But I also just play disc games for most and the built in storage had been good so far with a 32GB SD card installed as well (pretty much just for the Wii stuff).

Technically your game saves have never been "IN" the system you are using them in. Cartridges...just plugged in, memory cards...just plugged in, 360 hard drive..just plugged in the top, thumb drives..plugged in, etc. Why is it any different to plug in however much memory you want and use it WAY more cheaper than

I would actually watch this lol...

Nintendo "suffered" for the failure of the Virtual Boy all right...it lead to the 3DS which is selling pretty damn well. Man I love to see a company or people learn from their mistakes and make things better :)