
I'm right there with ya. I got it on the Wii U at launch..and it actually got me playing Call of Duty more than I had in years...especially being able to "split screen" between the TV and the GamePad but still being able to take that online with no hit to the graphics or how it runs.

Aiming too high...now they are using racial slurs and other such language by 12...this is clearly 2 maybe 3 we are dealing with.

Actually I comprehend just fine. You were asking why the Xbox was being brought into this and, given the examples, works for this argument as well. You can't look at one and say it is a problem when another has already faced this and is setting themselves up to do it AGAIN lol.

So you are saying that the Wii and Wii U are confusing..but have different color and CLEARLY marked cases that tell them apart. And at worst the Wii U can still play the Wii games you buy.

Not going to lie...I buy them so we can all play them lol. I still have all of my old games (my game collection is almost 1500 physical games right now) but I do like the ease of just booting up the game on the Wii U or 3DS without having to break out the old hardware or play in the game room every time.

My kids have a blast playing those older games. Just because you played something doesn't mean everyone has. :)

Out of the 14 disc-based games I have on the Wii U, at least 6 of them have dedicated local multiplayer that makes use of the Gamepad and the TV for individual screens. Honestly it is one of my favorite things about the system as it allows me and my kids to play games together without having to split the screen any

Stan Lee is 90. Age is no excuse for stupidity. Period. :)

I use the Elgato Game Capture HD for the 360 and Wii U through the original HDMI connection and it works great thankfully. PS3 has been a much larger issue because there is a drop in quality when I have to use the RGB connection instead which just turns me off from streaming that system. It isn't as bad with the

And I bought all three on my Wii U over the other consoles because I liked how they played and the options I got on them over the others (especially the Gamepad modes so I can play mature games without having to wait for the kids to go to bed). Call of Duty didn't have the DLC, but that honestly was Activisions

Yeah, those two aren't Masterpiece figures, just larger normal ones...usually refered to as "Voyager" class figures. Masterpiece Prime (both of them) were around $100 each. Ultra Magnus was just a repaint of the first prime, but I wouldn't be surprised if a repaint of the newer one (MP-10) was released at least in

Wondering if they expanded outside of the comics into their tv/animated/movies. Can we put in "red blue blur" and get Clark from Smallville? Curious now lol.

Yep. Got my entire set out in anticipation of this game lol. Me and the kids are going to have a laugh just going through them page by page. Though I am betting they referenced these while they made it just to be safe.

Yep, this is basically the same thing I am doing. I will more than likely keep some of the Nintendo pieces (like my Metroid) mixed in with furniture around the house, but the majority of it has gone to my 4 exhibits in the museum second floor.

I doubt it...but that would be absolutely..>AMAZING lol. Sorry...horrible. My bad.

There are a good deal of us around here that play 3DS and have fun with the street pass features...so anything that expands that is great to us. I thought the puzzles and Find Mii were creative little built in games that helped to explain parts of the system that people may not have been directly familiar with.

I have used the Coins in many of the games I have on the 3DS since launch in one way or another lol It has been a good way to unlock different things. Here's a quick list I found online of some titles that support them...

I have it and recommend it actually. Going to be playing it on Twitch here soon as well. Figured I would go level by level. :)

Let's see...right now I have Assassins Creed III, Call of Duty, Darksiders II, Injustice, Lego City Undercover, Nintendoland, Scribblenauts, Sonic Racing, Zombi U, and a bunch of downloaded games.

They said the 3DS Miiverse update is coming later this year. Probably redoing the whole system software to integrate it more I would guess.