Zachary Bos

<<And I recognize that, women and everyone that isn’t a white male face an uphill battle, I get that. I mean hearing that, as a white guy, it doesn’t really mean anything to me to be honest. I’m tired of being a young white guy who isn’t in charge of anything what so ever, and being told I’m responsible for shit that

<<You can’t hold individuals accountable for the actions of other individuals they just happen to share attributes with.>>

<<You come across as somebody who just tries to use the biggest words they know in an attempt to confuse your opponent into thinking you’re actually making a valid point. Either that or you’re getting your money’s worth from your thesaurus. Much of what you say is unintelligible.>>

Ah, we’re not there yet. Someday.

With your support, under my regime, no syllable will be left unappended.

I’m not sure that we’re at a point, in the struggle for gender equality, where we should ask people with reason to think “Men Are Trash” (as a shorthand for far more complicated facts of patriarchal society) to bite their tongues and be the bigger person.

The answer, you’d have learned in that 101 class you missed, is: “It depends.” For similar reasons, the answer in moral philosophy to the question “Is lying wrong?” is “It depends” (Kant be damned), and ... well, you’re as able as I am, I bet, at citing analogous questions in other fields.

I mean, you’re right, insofar as it is a bit about hate: hate directed against the structural inequality, and the way in whichpersons of whatsoever gender are made allies and surrogates to it.

<<So you feel as if there is nothing hypocritical, counter productive, or dismissive... >>

It’s not; that kind of analogy is in line with your other misunderstandings, misconstruals or misrepresentations of the issue under discussion. To dip into the pot of academic-speak: the conditionals don’t stack up that way.

Devastating! My understanding of gender dynamics, sexism, and structural inequality has been shaken to its foundations. I’ve got a lot of thinking and rethinking to do, eh?

<<If you want to say stuff like that, fine, put it on a billboard but if you are going to try to give intellectual cover to discriminatory statements I am going to call bullshit.>>

That isn’t the golden rule, as formulated in Confucianism, Christianity, or any other moral tradition in which it appears in some form (ya ninny). The golden rule is a moral prescription for actions — not for reactions. It tells me how I should act, mindful of the likelihood that others (esp. those who do not act

Your question is a false choice. Honest truth man, you don’t need to misrepresent your background reading in order to participate in this conversation. You’re making such an elementary mistake that its obvious you either don’t know this material or you are writing out of malice. Out of good will, I am presuming it is

You didn’t read them carefully enough, I gather. And you ducked my point — your understanding of feminism is presumptuous, shallow, and misinformed. Your foot is inn your mouth because you’re speaking whereof you know not. And we know what it sounds like when a person speaks with a foot in his mouth!

“You will be called trash for doing this.”

Sorry, this sounds an awful lot like you think this is just desserts for expecting Facebook to prohibit misogynistic hate speech. That’s not what you’re saying, is it? 

The king-peasant analogy is really a great way to illustrate this. Kudos.

If you read any feminist theory, instead of depending on your own impressionistic half-baked notions of what such critical ideas entail, you might not be so comfortable dismissing the author’s reasoning.

Well put.