Big House

I always wondered that, when they said orbiting the forest moon of Endor, was Endor the name of the planet, or the moon?

Lucas has said in the past that only Jedi have this ability, so maybe not

Look objectively at Jedi vs empire and Star wars, its VERY different in tone, and i look and feel. Theres SOME consistancy between Star wars and Jedi, but eh films are constantly evolving

Dodger Dongs

I’m not familiar with this comic. In that picture, is this the same woman, with different hair and weapons, or is it supposed to be three different women?

I’m not sure if this has been covered in previous threads, but let me pile on the whisperers not making sense.

so much this.^

There is no franchise out there that will not be ruined by fandom now. Star Wars used to be fun. Now I dread any conversation online. Ghostbusters was light-hearted supernatural comedy, now its a lightning rod. Harry Potter was a cultural touchstone, now the fans revolt against its creator. Fandom is out of control

Ia a Namor/Sub Marinor story even feasible now, with Aquaman out. They share very similar imagery, including the weird armor. Will old “wingfoot”resonate since he’s such an arrogant asshole, or will people dismiss this as an aquaman knock off?

Not really. as a Florida resident, I can tell you the attractions in Pandora FAR outdraw the rest of the park, by a lot. 210 minute waits on The Banshee ride, one hour plus on the river ride, way out of whack with waits on other popular rides such as expedition everest and Kilimanjaro Safari during that same time

I’m down for warm weather hockey, but let me counter, how about a winter Classic game in Tampa bay, on the friggin BEACH, palm trees, white sand, and OLD TIME HOCKEY

I am. I’ve been intrigued by the new trilogy, I am far more engaged with the characters than the prequels. I was actually nervous Rey would succom to the dark side after seeing the trailers for The Lats Jedi. I feel like the story was good (not great) for TLJ, but oddly the only characters who got any kind of

If anyone has ever wanted to buy the replica of Longclaw from Game of Thrones. Now is the time.

If anyone has ever wanted to buy the replica of Longclaw from Game of Thrones. Now is the time.

I think Tom Sawyer island would be the best choice. I don’t think they have many eyes on it, and there’s lots of dirt around to hide the evidence.

Lori Grimes became the Skyler White of the show”

Aand while i’m at it, what’s become of all the nuclear power plants across America. I have to imagine they’ve all melted down by now.

Or endless bullets, and gas.

Does the Talking Dead count? I watched a few episodes. It seemed like the real-world equivalent of “the Chris Farley show” Everything is awesome. Is there ever any room for critique of the show?

There’s a Rose Tico figure in it. Good.

There’s a Rose Tico figure in it. Good.

I think you need to view Watchmen in context to what comics were like. Something written that way, so dark and adult, it had not really reached the mainstream. That and Frank Miller’s The Dark Night were a one two punch that literally changed the world of comics. It opened up the industry to innovation and creativity