
Kevin Sorbo IS Marine Todd.

Yeah so much of the Murasaki stuff felt like the results of her spending a year going "grumble grumble call ME insensitive will ya." It's a weird hill to die on.

Django Uninterested

This Ain't The Wall XXX

Hi Virginia.

I thought Ivanka Trump's performance as Maggie on CNN this past week was pretty good. I'm assuming that's what it was—that many people onstage waiting for an old rich guy to die has to be a production of Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, right?

I don't get what Dahl's beef was and I especially don't get how Tim Burton imagined he was correcting it, considering he added entire subplots to work out his own daddy issues.

That's an interesting thought. Part of why he didn't work as Nite-Owl for me is he's got too much of an old-school superhero vibe for me to buy him as the kind of deglamorization of that the character is meant to be.

The movie other than Quaid is this vast, ponderous attempt at a character study of Earp and Quaid's performance truly couldn't care less about aligning with any of that, which is part of what makes it the best part of the movie.

Isn't part of that the book's broader theme that Scout's perspective as a kid renders her only vaguely aware of the big picture, though?

The way Cap is written, he would be a disaster with an actor who couldn't sell the earnestness, and I don't think Evans gets enough credit for how thoroughly he averts that.

The Verdict is one of those performances where it doesn't matter that the actor eventually won an Oscar, I'll be forever mad they didn't win for that specifically. Denzel as Malcolm X is another.

Meyer Lansky is kind of underexposed onscreen for such a pivotal figure, but Anatol Yusef as him on Boardwalk Empire is the alpha and omega for me.

Yessss, I'm sad she's been in basically guest spots ever since, although I can certainly understand wanting to relax after knocking it so thoroughly out of the park in your first big part.

It's the best-paced show for a Netflix format I've yet seen. Compare that to the Marvel shows, which I love but which inevitably have to labor away at some completely uninteresting b-plot to get to a full season.

I don't get it. It's like when I tell people on the Internet exactly what drives me nuts that leads to them DOING it.

I'll PROVE I'm legit! Altruism is actually good!

No that's the phenomenon by which people address guys named Zack as "Zach" even when they see their name in writing. (Seriously, ask any Zack about this.)

Jesus, Bill from Kill Bill has a higher opinion of Superman than Zack Snyder (WHO I AM NOT).

Insult me if you like but leave magnetic resonance imaging out of it.