
Yeah! And how come it's OKAY to say that Raid "kills bugs dead" but when I make a spray that says "kills Italians dead" all of a sudden that's "hateful?"

Ha, you tell those people who killed themselves, bro! What a sick burn!

"It's not about being an asshole! It's just that getting your feelings hurt is a character flaw!"

Hahaha yeah, you're that old.

Hahaha okay Grampa. This generation wasn't the one that thought it would corrupt the youth if Lucy and Ricky slept in the same bed.

Take my anecdotal evidence as you will, but my wife was afraid to go to the doctor for years because she was terrified she'd get horrible news because all fat people are bombarded constantly with the idea that to be fat is to be seconds from death. When she got up her nerve to go, everything came back fine. So yes, I…

So you completely agree with the premise, you just have a bee in your bonnet over terminology? That seems like kind of a silly bone of contention, I won't lie.


Good call. The stigma surrounding addiction is a major reason addicts don't have access to the care they need.

Fat ladies! I knew it was them! Even when it was the bears I knew it was them!

Not showing up for me and the notion that that constitutes "applause" is ridiculous. Your buddy Uncertainty Principal with the Not Mad At All treatise on how The Fats will kill us all has two upvotes and everyone understands he's a dumb loser.

I'm sure I robbed myself of a rich reading experience by ignoring everything after "femsplaining."

This dude is getting applauded by what looks to be women
He has zero upvotes and the only reply is a woman telling him to stay in his lane.

Big Participation Trophy.

"I'm against all body shaming except when I'm not."

It's like yesterday when I kept seeing guys alternating between insisting that no one was mad that Rogue One stars a woman and being very loudly, vocally mad that it stars a woman.

My favorite part of his text-wall is the bit about how nothing that encourages you to love your body can be trusted because it's all to sell you things. As opposed to things encouraging you to hate your body, which are pure and agenda-free.

[scribbles on notepad] Interesting. And how long would you say you've been Mad Online?

Molly on Fargo wasn't fat, per se, but she's definitely the only chubby female lead I've ever seen in a crime drama. I think thinking outside the box of The Funny One, whether lead or supporting, would be a big step normalization-wise.