
Over on Twitter this might be the only thing that useless nepotism-egg John Podhoretz and the anti-Semitic 4chan virgins who troll him have ever 100% agreed is an outrage.

AH okay that makes sense and is exciting.

What actor is Johnny Whitecape? Do we know?

Hogan's capable of winning a lawsuit, though.

"Your refusal to accept that The Jew controls Hollywood makes you JUST LIKE a social conservative!"

You are so dedicated to defending Donald Trump that you typed the sentence "I was responding to Zack's comment about anti-incest which suggests that Trump wants to have sex with the baby based on this comments." Take a moment to think about that.

It's just a JOKE about wanting to sex his daughters! Just yet another joke! Of the kind he just keeps making! Because they're funny, or something!

Gee, I sure wish I had enough "subtlety" to pretend I didn't recognize a really obvious concern troll. :(

I just did, you pedantic choad. You dismiss thinking this is a gross thing to say as "far-left," ergo you're saying only someone on the "far-left" would think a presidential candidate giggling about how hot his infant daughter was, "joke" or otherwise, is gross.

Yes. That is why people think this is gross. Because he's "reducing women to their body parts." I hope Trump is paying you well for this but I doubt it.

That's different, because the troll AGREES with that outrage.

What do you imagine is the connection between the tweet and what Trump said?

Yeah no. Tweeting garbage tweets several years ago does not disqualify anyone from thinking this is a gross thing for Trump to say. Your deep, sincere concern is noted though.

What the Christ are you talking about? Seriously. How is thinking this is a gross thing to say equivalent to accusing him of wanting to rape a baby?

Literally no one accused him of wanting to rape a baby.

As the Good Book says, let he who is without sin cast the first "It's gross to want to have sex with your infant daughter."

Hey time-traveler from mid-2014, did you know Donald Trump is running for president? CRAZY, right?

What's the "overreaction?" Thinking it's disgusting? Because it kind of is, son. Sorry if that makes you mad.

I'm (or maybe "my") claiming no such thing. Your position is that only people on the "far left" would take issue with Trump's extensive history of expressing a desire to have sex with his children and I'm being nice enough to let you know that that's asinine.

You're right, the accusation that you were "anti-semetic" would come from nothing since "anti-semetic" is not a word. The accusation that you're anti-Semitic, meanwhile, comes from you just taking for granted that the majority of Academy voters are Jewish, to the point of getting mad that I didn't say they were.