
The thing about her, though, is a LOT of her material has revolved around self-deprecation treating herself as such. And as someone who's not actually fat, she has the social capital for people to find it endearing. Jennifer Lawrence does a variation on the same thing.

Remember how Toni Collette was treated as the go-to character actress when your movie needed a fat girl for a while? I still can't believe that.

Well, yeah, she's trying to be Jenna Marbles, so I guess she is to the extent that Robert Ford was "playing the character" of Jesse James.

Research shows making fat people feel like garbage about it actively hinders weight loss, but clearly those researchers weren't informed it was "simple as that."

I'm totally down with not other-ing women but it's kind of missing the forest for the trees to drop the term "plus-size" when the sizes it describes are still a single rack of trash-bag-looking dresses in the corner of the store. Fix that too if labeling is such a problem.

So she head to the clinic and she get some static walkin' through the door;
There has to be some form of punishment.

Look if you write a song that's misogynistic enough to threaten to assault someone's girlfriend and white enough to use John McEnroe as a reference point for said assault, Trump is gonna use it.

Sherlock Holmes is not a real person.

Gooble God-ble!

He's really, really upset that the NFL helped pressure Georgia's governor into vetoing an antigay bill because it's screwing with his ideas of masculinity. It's hilarious.

My best friend and I went to a free showing of his last one out of morbid curiosity and it's pretty blatant slavery apologia, so he's (probably correctly) taking a pretty dim view of his audience's capacity for retention.

Also I totally tweeted at Ralph Reed once that he ripped off Native American casinos; he responded, all huffy, that that was like 15 years ago. I lead an exciting life.

“When did it become breaking a rule to say your name out loud in school?”
When did it become being okay to write lyrics that make you sound like a Russian gangster on a cop show?

I work for a newsletter that has a "Weird News" stinger story every day and the AP Stylebook is being super-unhelpful about whether it's "who ya gonna call" or "who YOU."

It was the '80s, everything scary was a metaphor for Communists or AIDS.

Jim Casey from Grapes of Wrath FTW

Yes! For starters, the headline could contain religious bigotry!

How would we know if he didn't?

Ugh yes the worst part of this election cycle has been Sanders fans who hate Hillary so much they spread around absolutely anything negative anyone says about her even if it's from Breitbart or something. It's exhausting seeing people on the left share memes about how Hillary is the REAL racist because she praised