
Rose Tyler's skirts weren't THAT short.

I now have an in to note that Tom Waits is younger than Mitt Romney and that always freaks me out.


Isn't it weird how the quality of pop culture is inversely proportional to the responsibilities I had when it came out? That's such a freaky coincidence.

Oh, sorry. Pretty sure it's a reference to A Clockwork Orange, i.e. literal hooks on one's eyelids.

That said, Swift herself is kind of exploiting the brunette=vamp trope.

It's a pun on "hooks" in the context of catchy refrains.

Those lyrics work better if you assume she's referring to the 1935 movie where Peter Lorre gives a surgeon a hand transplant that turns him into a serial killer.

Borderline Personality Disorder Pop is the wave of the future, old man.

I'm not one to carp about how samples/covers "desecrate" original artists but holy hell do I want Warren Zevon's vengeful ghost to come after him for that.

You're only saying that because you're a libertarian, probably.

I got a Hannibal notification for THIS?

I had no idea it was that old.

I hear "friendzone" and I get the sense of someone complaining about the circumstances from a sense of entitlement rather than describing them like in the latter case. That may be the result of sheer overuse in that context rather than any inherent meaning; to craft a terrible analogy, is it innately racist to say

Maybe I'm being oversensitive but I still can't believe a movie as (relatively) recent as The Princess Diaries used curly hair + glasses, both of which are heavily Jewish-coded, as shorthand for "ugmo."

Because at best it implies that being a girl's friend rather than getting to shtup her is something you're subjected to, and at worst the person using the term is saying he was somehow betrayed by not getting the girl after being nice to her.

I'm so much less concerned about liking the "wrong" music than I was when I was an insufferable teenager that there are basically no songs I hated upon release that I still hate. The only exceptions are "Sk8r Boi" and "I Write Sins, Not Tragedies."

There's also this sense of it being the Most Important Time of Your Life that makes you (or me, at least) feel like backing down on anything means you might as well not stand for anything at all.

I can't believe she'd go after Princess Winifred like that.

Nick Cave is not a serial killer with a red right hand
You know what they say about assumptions.