
And Hamilton, used as a rhyme for "unbuckled."

It's part of what was sort of a shame-y stage in her career, though. Not too long after was when Tina Fey and Amy Poehler made a super-innocuous joke about her at the Golden Globes and she dropped that quote about there being a special place in hell for women who don't support other women in an interview (which, even

Actually it's about ethics in short skirts.

My God, it's the super-rare intersection of a song I know and hatred of it that actually involves the substance of the song. I don't think those have lined up since the one for "Same Love."

It's what the Jewishes call the Lord God.

Seriously. I'm no fan of "Girlfriend" but at least it's possible to interpret it as deliberately ridiculous and bratty. This, meanwhile, is nothing but earnest.

If they'd gone with my idea for her to play 6-year-old Molly with no one acknowledging anything out of the ordinary this could have all been avoided.

Especially considering what a close call her getting the Fargo role was, considering they apparently did auditions looking for a—God, do I hate the term "traditionally attractive" but I can't think of how else to put it—woman.

In her interview with The Week she talked about how she really wanted personally and for more women in general to play the kind of complex messes male drama leads are asked to play. "That's nice, sweetie," appears to have been the suits' response.

You can't blackmail someone and still be the inside spoon!

Maybe those same foundations that buy pallets of conservative books until they're NYT bestsellers have a wall of TVs somewhere.

"She's a damn good cop, but her methods are… unconventional."

Cry me a river, at least they got far enough to look like adults.
-the Ellen Page/Elijah Wood Syndrome Association

Which was itself sort of a joke about Henry Hill playing Henry Hill's dad.

I thought TVTropes 101 was "Awkwardly shoehorn some ultraspecific anime jargon into every tropes page."

"I'm not falling for that one again. Last time you told me Michael Chiklis was playing David Aceveda and I accidentally watched Gotham."

Ray Liotta sounds wrong saying "FBI" and not "TYYYYPISSSST" in the same sentence.

Why would you need an abortion if you 'bate?

Carson already hosted five times, haven't you read his books?

I agree that SNL is hardly an organ of righteous political smackdowns but NBC in general set themselves up for having their feet put to the fire when they made a big show of what standup guys they were for dumping him.