
I would argue that's the most on-topic Simpsons reference imaginable under the circumstances.

Once Trump #MakesAmericaGreatAgain, you'll never have to say "es mi dio primero."

He's probably got better credit.

The profile of him in, I want to say New York mag, makes him seem like he was another immature young man who wanted a Manic Pixie Dream Girl and reacted absolutely insanely to realizing the woman he'd ended up with was in fact a flawed human being. Which, you know, I'm sorry it didn't work out for you, guy, but that's

He kind of already wrote a Gamergate movie via the opening scene of The Social Network.

He would have been perfect for Julian Assange too, come to think of it.

Indeed, one of the (many) worst things about Gamergate is how many MRAs/general wingnuts who had been making jokes about how only fat virgins play video games months prior decided it would be perfect to exploit to open a new front.

I was saying Boo-anka.

The other thing about Nixon is, he was acutely aware he lost to Kennedy because he dismissed television—and looking good on it—as a passing fad, and that awareness rebirthed him as one of the most media-savvy cutthroats in American political history. Trump will never in a million years concede making any mistakes,

No I'm saying he's said and done far, far more than that, including but not limited to saying Mike Tyson should just have to donate to charity rather than go to prison for raping a woman, had to settle with the DOJ for refusing to rent to black people, has repeatedly said blatantly racist things about Indian tribes he

He said one remark
Oh, honey.

Those aren't polls of the voting public, they're polls of the most engaged Republican primary voters, who lose a hell of a lot of relevance in a general election. 2008 was supposed to be Hillary vs. Giuliani at this point.

He's just mad he was slower than 1,985 other kevinbs.

I don't think Trump is on this thread.

I'm thinking Rubio, yeah.

It's sort of cooled off now but there used to be a major meme on the right that libruls wanted to reinstate the fairness doctrine for talk radio. I have never heard a single liberal sincerely call for that but I've sure as hell heard plenty of conservatives insist that covering anything shady a conservative does

Yep. I still remember when he was pretending to run in 2011 based entirely on the birther thing and when Obama got annoyed and released it just to shut him up, Trump plunged to dead last and continued to insist he'd been leading the polls when he decided not to run.

Yeah this has basically settled into the same give-each-crazy-person-15-minutes-to-delay-nominating-the-establishmentarian routine as 2012.

Point of order: he has, in fact, peaked, plateaued and started to decline.