
I may bear some resemblance to Endgame Thor...

So in Smash here is how counterpicks work. The loser of the previous game first chooses the next stage, then the winner chooses their character, then the loser chooses their character.


I loved playing multiplayer in Brotherhood and Revelations. I felt that it added a lot of value to the game, and was a different take on competitive multiplayer. Not having it and the poor reception of Unity ended up killing my interest in the series after IV.

On a side note, you just reminded me about Shaun’s speech in Assassin’s Creed III explaining that to Great Britain at the time it wasn’t a revolution but a civil war. I was very glad they included that side of things. As an American I know they don’t include that line of thought in our textbooks and teaching.

Zero Time Dilemma is also coming out for the Vita.

I cannot wait for Zero Escape 3. Virtue’s Last Reward is one of my favorite games.

Yeah I beat the Sage about that fast on NG and NG+ on my knight, but that fight is much harder for a sorcerer.

Nope, I had no trouble with them. The times I did die I hated the run back to them more than the fight itself. Those damn giant knights were the reason I never tried to summon Solaire.

Being able to parry the Bloodstarved Beast makes that fight much easier. And if you though Amelia was hard, I’d like to know your thoughts on The Old Hunters first boss, Ludwig.

Well, Cherub Rock is a pre-order song, I guess there's that. I'd have accepted pretty much anything from Siamese Dream though. Hopefully since their on here we'll be getting some more DLC songs for them (I'm holding out for Hummer).

That is music from the game Tomba!

Well I think I just found my #COTW

This. Possibly my favorite boss theme from all FF games.

Who are you using as your main?

You can use ZWEI's unblockable attack right after his critical edge and it just about almost hits. And I'm pretty sure you just have to block Nightmare's critical edge.

I shall toast you with my own Pepsi at this very moment!

And you have now become my new favorite commenter.

I believe this sums up everything.

I'll stonehead all the SF people with Kazuya then just cuz ya said that ;)